Deutsche Bank caught // Deutsche Bank yakalandı
English: "..including the rigging of Libor and is subject to an investigation into $10bn of suspicious Russian trades.."
// Türkçe: "...Libor skandalı ve Rusya ile 10 milyar dolarlık şüpheli ticarete aracılık ettiği için incelenen bankaya yapılan üçüncü müdahale..."
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Adult adult Syrian men escaped not to fight for homeland and get free money from Europe, this Turkmen child at age of 12 from minority of Syria is fighting for his homeland. Shame on you Syrians!
// Yetişkin yetişkin Suriyeli erkekler vatanları için savaşmaktan ve Avrupa'dan beleş geçinmek için kaçtı, bu azınlıktaki 12 yaşında Türkmen çocuğu vatanı için savaşıyor. Utanın Suriyeliler!
Adult adult Syrian men escaped not to fight for homeland and get free money from Europe, this Turkmen child at age of 12 from minority of Syria is fighting for his homeland. Shame on you Syrians!
// Yetişkin yetişkin Suriyeli erkekler vatanları için savaşmaktan ve Avrupa'dan beleş geçinmek için kaçtı, bu azınlıktaki 12 yaşında Türkmen çocuğu vatanı için savaşıyor. Utanın Suriyeliler!
This is terror journalism. Murat Uslu has been in the area since 9.00 a.m Turkiye Time; still interviewing & gathering information from authorities, university students and locals for ten hours. It's not journalism when you visit France days after and only talk to one club client. Congratulations colleague Uslu. Case: This morning - Vezneciler/Istanbul special forces bus got bombed 11 dead, 4 heavy of 36 wounded
// Bu terör muhabirliği. Murat Uslu Türkiye saatiyle sabah 09.00'dan beri bölgede; 10 saattir otoriteler, üniversite öğrencileri ve yerel kişilerle röportajlar yapıyor. Fransa'yı günler sonra ziyaret edip sadece bir kulüp müşterisiyle röportaj yapmak gazetecilik değildir. Meslektaş Uslu'yu kutlarım. Dosya: Bu sabah - İstanbul Vezneciler'de çevik kuvvet otobüsü bombalandı; 11 ölü, 4'ü ağır 36 yaralı
// Bu terör muhabirliği. Murat Uslu Türkiye saatiyle sabah 09.00'dan beri bölgede; 10 saattir otoriteler, üniversite öğrencileri ve yerel kişilerle röportajlar yapıyor. Fransa'yı günler sonra ziyaret edip sadece bir kulüp müşterisiyle röportaj yapmak gazetecilik değildir. Meslektaş Uslu'yu kutlarım. Dosya: Bu sabah - İstanbul Vezneciler'de çevik kuvvet otobüsü bombalandı; 11 ölü, 4'ü ağır 36 yaralı
My twenty first column at (English translation below) // ’daki yirmibirinci köşe yazım
Hey European while you’re insisting wrongly to call Turkiye as a middle eastern country (look learn: Middle Asian.. Middle.. Asian..) Turkiye, is waving with over 110 skyscrapers only in Istanbul to one or two skyscrapers of your capital city. You, insist knowing wrong, be stubborn not to learn how real Turks look like, even don’t visit Istanbul, Bosphorus OK?
Whoever you call narrow-minded, is you European. Rise your head and look if Turkiye is geographically next to Greece or not? While you are forcing to add Georgia and Armenia as attenders to Eurovision Song Contest, tell us where on you call them European so we also can learn.
Huh by the way it is nice to protect history but your buildings are so old really. In your streets, train and metro stations, the rats are dancing which are bigger than wonderfully beautiful and giant street cats of Istanbul. As you don’t water your parks which you protect nature in the middle of your cities, the plant ticks are eating humans.
You have these kind of problems..
There are only two little problems of developed Turkiye for now. Ha don’t jump immediately naming them PKK and Kurd problem. PKK terror organization can’t become a problem even it tears itself. And there is no problem called Kurd problem; Kurds also have problem with PKK because PKK is still sucking some funds from you with a lie that they are representing Kurds; Kurds are fed up with PKK kidnapping their children to add them to their violent actions. You first have a look at the funds you’re feeding PKK.
I stil haven’t told about the two problems of developed Turkiye, isn’t it funny?
Developed Turkiye is suffering from asbestos and rubbles from the pulled down old and unhealthy buildings. So many buildings got pulled down and so many luxury and beautiful apartments got built instead of them, in my opinion don’t come to Istanbul and eat your nails. Municipalities are looking for a solution for asbestos while looking for a solution of the recycling of the rubbles. Would you like to recycle old cement European?
My twenty first column at (English translation below) // ’daki yirmibirinci köşe yazım
Hey European while you’re insisting wrongly to call Turkiye as a middle eastern country (look learn: Middle Asian.. Middle.. Asian..) Turkiye, is waving with over 110 skyscrapers only in Istanbul to one or two skyscrapers of your capital city. You, insist knowing wrong, be stubborn not to learn how real Turks look like, even don’t visit Istanbul, Bosphorus OK?
Whoever you call narrow-minded, is you European. Rise your head and look if Turkiye is geographically next to Greece or not? While you are forcing to add Georgia and Armenia as attenders to Eurovision Song Contest, tell us where on you call them European so we also can learn.
Huh by the way it is nice to protect history but your buildings are so old really. In your streets, train and metro stations, the rats are dancing which are bigger than wonderfully beautiful and giant street cats of Istanbul. As you don’t water your parks which you protect nature in the middle of your cities, the plant ticks are eating humans.
You have these kind of problems..
There are only two little problems of developed Turkiye for now. Ha don’t jump immediately naming them PKK and Kurd problem. PKK terror organization can’t become a problem even it tears itself. And there is no problem called Kurd problem; Kurds also have problem with PKK because PKK is still sucking some funds from you with a lie that they are representing Kurds; Kurds are fed up with PKK kidnapping their children to add them to their violent actions. You first have a look at the funds you’re feeding PKK.
I stil haven’t told about the two problems of developed Turkiye, isn’t it funny?
Developed Turkiye is suffering from asbestos and rubbles from the pulled down old and unhealthy buildings. So many buildings got pulled down and so many luxury and beautiful apartments got built instead of them, in my opinion don’t come to Istanbul and eat your nails. Municipalities are looking for a solution for asbestos while looking for a solution of the recycling of the rubbles. Would you like to recycle old cement European?
How to age gracefully! (Advices from ages to ages)
// Zarafetle nasıl yaşlanılır! (Yaşlardan yaşlara tavsiyeler)
// Zarafetle nasıl yaşlanılır! (Yaşlardan yaşlara tavsiyeler)
"No-head people step on your head to make you agree with their lies/wrongs, when you go crazy, they act innocent saying 'He/She is always like this' " Fulya Ozturk Placing
//"Yalanlarını/yanlışlarını kafanızı eze eze kabul ettiren kafasızlar çıldırdığınızda da 'Bu zaten hep böyle' diyerek masumu oynar" Fulya Öztürk Placing
//"Yalanlarını/yanlışlarını kafanızı eze eze kabul ettiren kafasızlar çıldırdığınızda da 'Bu zaten hep böyle' diyerek masumu oynar" Fulya Öztürk Placing
My ninteenth column at (English translation below) // ’daki ondokuzuncu köşe yazım
(Dedicated to cold people..) Everyone says they’re democratic, you know. Pass this brother! You’re a liar! Snob liar. Do you know what understanding and compassion are? Shown to who? First to nearest environment. The nearest innocent environment who don’t have any ideal than having a life without problems, loving and being loved.. To your wife/husband, children that hope safety in you, only to people older than a half century sweated for a pure clean life, so if the neighbours did.
Not to some just to be close to them. Not to rich, snob, pervert, cold people. Neither to ones with dirty past nor to ass-lickers at all.
This way, you don’t earn bad people to society either. Pass, pass these! You only empower bad people to do more evil!!!!
You should show to good people and if to good people, not fakely. Fake will be already understood, obviously.
First to your wife/husband who trusted you, stepped forward to found a life with you. She/he didn’t come under your wings for your immediate violence. Are you so angry or faking a reason to cheat on??
Physical unsatisfaction? What happened to your LOVE???? Where is your love? Far from you? Wait. Have some love pain. You won’t die. YOU WON’T DIE!!!!
Your eyes melted for every potential mistress? I ask what happened to your LOVE????
LOVE is holy; not let dirty people take from you and spend it.
Husband falling asleep back from work or pregnant wife falling asleep as medical doctors say too? What happened to your UNDERSTANDING???? But you can fall asleep because you are a king/queen (!)
Dirty people offering night club life to effect you and it’s soooooooo attractive? If you weren’t going to know where you’d end your night why DID YOU MARRY???? Do you think you deserve being behind these dirty people? Like a tail..
Look at what position you make yourself fall into/debate with yourself:
You don’t become higher when you lower people who are ready to support you, take you to a better life. Are those people STUPID???? They are good people, good. Good can’t be bad, even though you tear yourself to see them bad.
What is glorifying people who pushed you down for 10-20 years? Do you see them unreachable?
You are STUPID letting them use you.
Only you can rescue yourself from the narrowing circle of those dirty, sick, perverts who can’t even get “Hi” from good people. First WAKE UP!
In fact I don’t have a right to be angry . They never showed understanding and compassion to you; you haven’t seen, how can I expect you to show.. WAKE UP before being a more attached slave!
My ninteenth column at (English translation below) // ’daki ondokuzuncu köşe yazım
(Dedicated to cold people..) Everyone says they’re democratic, you know. Pass this brother! You’re a liar! Snob liar. Do you know what understanding and compassion are? Shown to who? First to nearest environment. The nearest innocent environment who don’t have any ideal than having a life without problems, loving and being loved.. To your wife/husband, children that hope safety in you, only to people older than a half century sweated for a pure clean life, so if the neighbours did.
Not to some just to be close to them. Not to rich, snob, pervert, cold people. Neither to ones with dirty past nor to ass-lickers at all.
This way, you don’t earn bad people to society either. Pass, pass these! You only empower bad people to do more evil!!!!
You should show to good people and if to good people, not fakely. Fake will be already understood, obviously.
First to your wife/husband who trusted you, stepped forward to found a life with you. She/he didn’t come under your wings for your immediate violence. Are you so angry or faking a reason to cheat on??
Physical unsatisfaction? What happened to your LOVE???? Where is your love? Far from you? Wait. Have some love pain. You won’t die. YOU WON’T DIE!!!!
Your eyes melted for every potential mistress? I ask what happened to your LOVE????
LOVE is holy; not let dirty people take from you and spend it.
Husband falling asleep back from work or pregnant wife falling asleep as medical doctors say too? What happened to your UNDERSTANDING???? But you can fall asleep because you are a king/queen (!)
Dirty people offering night club life to effect you and it’s soooooooo attractive? If you weren’t going to know where you’d end your night why DID YOU MARRY???? Do you think you deserve being behind these dirty people? Like a tail..
Look at what position you make yourself fall into/debate with yourself:
You don’t become higher when you lower people who are ready to support you, take you to a better life. Are those people STUPID???? They are good people, good. Good can’t be bad, even though you tear yourself to see them bad.
What is glorifying people who pushed you down for 10-20 years? Do you see them unreachable?
You are STUPID letting them use you.
Only you can rescue yourself from the narrowing circle of those dirty, sick, perverts who can’t even get “Hi” from good people. First WAKE UP!
In fact I don’t have a right to be angry . They never showed understanding and compassion to you; you haven’t seen, how can I expect you to show.. WAKE UP before being a more attached slave!
"So many respectless, sick, pervert people offending love, real love, serenity and peace because they don't bring physical satisfaction, material benefit to them.." Fulya Ozturk Placing
"Kendilerine fiziksel tatmin, maddi çıkar sağlamadığı için sevgi, gerçek aşk, huzur ve barışın içine eden o kadar saygısız, hasta, sapık insan var ki..." Fulya Öztürk Placing
"Kendilerine fiziksel tatmin, maddi çıkar sağlamadığı için sevgi, gerçek aşk, huzur ve barışın içine eden o kadar saygısız, hasta, sapık insan var ki..." Fulya Öztürk Placing
My twentysixth column at - written before Brussels bombing (English translation below)
// ’daki yirmialtıncı köşe yazım - Brüksel bombalamasından önce yazılmıştır
Istanbul Fashion Week was great again. Turk designers, all better than each other, exhibited their collections. I think terror subject was exaggerated because people behave like terror is new in Turkiye. Terror has been in Turkiye for 35 years and caused loss of Turk and Kurd rooted 40,000 people civilian, soldier, teacher, engineer.. And still the terror organization can’t get that they can have nothing..
At the opening of Istanbul Fashion Week, where it started in a giant tent at Zorlu Center, there was Ankara bombing as main headline. The week that hosted 2016-2017 Fall Winter collections, was announced by famous Turk designers Bora Aksu and Dice Kayek and again famous people attended to shows. Entertainment and parties were cancelled; the word ‘Ankara’ was given to the screens at the cocktail area.
At the end of 5th Position show, catwalk was darkened and the sentence “We don’t accept, we don’t get used to, we don’t forget” was given to the big screen. Famous designer Deniz Berdan appeared at the end of her DB Deniz Berdan brand show with a big board prepared as “No to terror, no to violence, peace and love for everyone” and got a long applause. Designer Rasit Bazibagli walked with top model Demet Sener wearing a sweatshirt writing “End for terror!”
While shows were continuing until 20th March, on 19th March Saturday there was the bomb attack in Istanbul, Taksim, Istiklal Avenuethis time.. It means, as you see, the messages given by designers weren’t recieved because terror organizations are not the kind of organizations following fashion shows, as you can guess..
I don’t know what can be done for terror organizations but to avoid their greed and try of pulling in war, neither everything should be done, nor anything shouldn’t be done as how they want. If they see you do what they want, they will ask for more. If you don’t, this time peace destroying, death spreading suicide bombers’ number will rise..
I only know one thing, Turkiye continues producing.. By the way, I really liked Deniz Berdan show with both messages against violence and theatrical cloth designs inspired by the movie ‘Clockwork Orange’..
My twentysixth column at - written before Brussels bombing (English translation below)
// ’daki yirmialtıncı köşe yazım - Brüksel bombalamasından önce yazılmıştır
Istanbul Fashion Week was great again. Turk designers, all better than each other, exhibited their collections. I think terror subject was exaggerated because people behave like terror is new in Turkiye. Terror has been in Turkiye for 35 years and caused loss of Turk and Kurd rooted 40,000 people civilian, soldier, teacher, engineer.. And still the terror organization can’t get that they can have nothing..
At the opening of Istanbul Fashion Week, where it started in a giant tent at Zorlu Center, there was Ankara bombing as main headline. The week that hosted 2016-2017 Fall Winter collections, was announced by famous Turk designers Bora Aksu and Dice Kayek and again famous people attended to shows. Entertainment and parties were cancelled; the word ‘Ankara’ was given to the screens at the cocktail area.
At the end of 5th Position show, catwalk was darkened and the sentence “We don’t accept, we don’t get used to, we don’t forget” was given to the big screen. Famous designer Deniz Berdan appeared at the end of her DB Deniz Berdan brand show with a big board prepared as “No to terror, no to violence, peace and love for everyone” and got a long applause. Designer Rasit Bazibagli walked with top model Demet Sener wearing a sweatshirt writing “End for terror!”
While shows were continuing until 20th March, on 19th March Saturday there was the bomb attack in Istanbul, Taksim, Istiklal Avenuethis time.. It means, as you see, the messages given by designers weren’t recieved because terror organizations are not the kind of organizations following fashion shows, as you can guess..
I don’t know what can be done for terror organizations but to avoid their greed and try of pulling in war, neither everything should be done, nor anything shouldn’t be done as how they want. If they see you do what they want, they will ask for more. If you don’t, this time peace destroying, death spreading suicide bombers’ number will rise..
I only know one thing, Turkiye continues producing.. By the way, I really liked Deniz Berdan show with both messages against violence and theatrical cloth designs inspired by the movie ‘Clockwork Orange’..
My sixteenth column at (English translation below) // ’daki onaltıncı köşe yazım
“Turk nation is hard working, Turk nation is clever” Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Founder of Republic of Turkiye, Great Leader Ataturk didn’t say these words for nothing. Don’t we see it’s true? They who exploded innocent people at bus stops in Ankara but playing spokespeople of “brotherhood and peace”, mooed violence and their war demand last Sunday. What have Turk people been doing? Working. Continuing the daily life and working so hard. Because we Turks don’t know anything else than working. Life target of us is rising, success and going forward.
When it comes to some people, we don’t understand if they are working or only talking on social media or feeding theirselves with state treasure and lying down without working/producing or driving from club to club with stolen cars under them; it’s really not clear. But if you ask them they deserve to be taken care what is working?
Describe me, who are high group of people that non-working people? I don’t tell about people who are not encouraged to work or the family members sentenced to spend only family income having their development stopped.
I tell about people who get bloody rich by getting married; not stepping back from poisoning people with ugly thoughts, clearly headless taking satisfaction from making moneyless or poor people serve to them. Yes headless. They shouldn’t think the money in their pocket show them clever, it is dripping from them that they are headless. Example, uncultured garish women finding rich husbands shock us with their Facebook posts full of violent politics on Facebook. “Hey girl, if you know a lot, you go up to mountains with PKK but don’t eat Turkiye’s fruits and vegetables and don’t drink Turkiye’s beautiful water. Go and live in your dream Kurdistan but leave Istanbul” needed to be said. How nice huh my country’s wealth go down to your stomachs, wrap you as clothes but you spit on my country. Are you expecting applause?
Do you know why their uncultured head is very obvious? First, there is no intellectualism to do politics. No knowledge. When uncultured, there is no research, no supporting information, no deep culture. Add their rootlessness and no history, trying to talk politics come to a dead end. That’s why they grab guns..
My sixteenth column at (English translation below) // ’daki onaltıncı köşe yazım
“Turk nation is hard working, Turk nation is clever” Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Founder of Republic of Turkiye, Great Leader Ataturk didn’t say these words for nothing. Don’t we see it’s true? They who exploded innocent people at bus stops in Ankara but playing spokespeople of “brotherhood and peace”, mooed violence and their war demand last Sunday. What have Turk people been doing? Working. Continuing the daily life and working so hard. Because we Turks don’t know anything else than working. Life target of us is rising, success and going forward.
When it comes to some people, we don’t understand if they are working or only talking on social media or feeding theirselves with state treasure and lying down without working/producing or driving from club to club with stolen cars under them; it’s really not clear. But if you ask them they deserve to be taken care what is working?
Describe me, who are high group of people that non-working people? I don’t tell about people who are not encouraged to work or the family members sentenced to spend only family income having their development stopped.
I tell about people who get bloody rich by getting married; not stepping back from poisoning people with ugly thoughts, clearly headless taking satisfaction from making moneyless or poor people serve to them. Yes headless. They shouldn’t think the money in their pocket show them clever, it is dripping from them that they are headless. Example, uncultured garish women finding rich husbands shock us with their Facebook posts full of violent politics on Facebook. “Hey girl, if you know a lot, you go up to mountains with PKK but don’t eat Turkiye’s fruits and vegetables and don’t drink Turkiye’s beautiful water. Go and live in your dream Kurdistan but leave Istanbul” needed to be said. How nice huh my country’s wealth go down to your stomachs, wrap you as clothes but you spit on my country. Are you expecting applause?
Do you know why their uncultured head is very obvious? First, there is no intellectualism to do politics. No knowledge. When uncultured, there is no research, no supporting information, no deep culture. Add their rootlessness and no history, trying to talk politics come to a dead end. That’s why they grab guns..
"68 or 30?" // "68 mi 30 mu?"
My tenth column at - I skipped for a reason - (English translation below)
// 'daki - bir sebeple atlamış olduğum - onuncu köşe yazım
Rise the retirement age to 68, but give job advertisements for until age for 30! Bullshit! Both for companies and working people! ..People have to be tortured, so, it is duty to torture also on age subject.
How old are you distinguished boss? 45? But you are over 30, it can’t be accepted! Endorse the company to someone under 30, immediately! You can’t, right?
How old are you granny? 58? Don’t give advises to your grandchild because he/she only listens to ideas of people under 30.
How about you doctor? Over 30? Aaaa you are experienced; maybe you’ll make someone better by mistake; save a life; not accepted. You have to be under 30, so that the coming patient will be going (God knows where!)
Companies giving job advertisements for under age of 30; you make public ‘irritated’.
Are you looking for an unexperienced cheap worker? Write it openly. Do you want to have bankruptcy in the hands of unexperienced people? You don’t have a worry of earning; we understand. Then tell us; write: “We opened this company for fun. We want to have parties with the workers and get ‘so much close’ to them. We don’t have a problem of earning money. La la la”. You don’t have to design a company logo etc., whatever you do, your corporate image is already down with an advertisement like this!
Let’s have a look at the life through the eyes of people who have to reach 68 to get retired: A person who has done production management, head full of analyses. When looks at a paper, understands what was caused by what immediately. Could be a kind of business development manager but the last company he worked for 20 years didn’t give that happiness to him. One day, they fired him just to reduce the spendings of the company. Let’s say he’s 55. Most probably, he even doesn’t have an apartment of his own. Oh, then this man still needs to earn his life?? This experienced person looks at the advertisements and more than half mention the 30 of age criteria.
Company brother, human resources brother, why are you looking for a manager under 30? This means around ages 27-28. When will that person gain management capacity in 5-6 years, if gets graduated at the age of 22?? Are you looking for a lover for the boss? He can find a wife from his environment, you don’t have to tire your minds.
People who have to work until 68 may not be able to carry rocks for construction but can do all kinds of desk work much better than all of you. He/She can make you earn giant incomes, multiple times of the experience salary you give to them around 4000-5000 Turk Liras. He/She can give advises too (You hate taking advises, I forgot). In other cases, you don’t have to be a shop owner, painter, done favor actor, singer with plastic surgeries, done favor press/publisher or university professor, politician to be able to work long long years!
My tenth column at - I skipped for a reason - (English translation below)
// 'daki - bir sebeple atlamış olduğum - onuncu köşe yazım
Rise the retirement age to 68, but give job advertisements for until age for 30! Bullshit! Both for companies and working people! ..People have to be tortured, so, it is duty to torture also on age subject.
How old are you distinguished boss? 45? But you are over 30, it can’t be accepted! Endorse the company to someone under 30, immediately! You can’t, right?
How old are you granny? 58? Don’t give advises to your grandchild because he/she only listens to ideas of people under 30.
How about you doctor? Over 30? Aaaa you are experienced; maybe you’ll make someone better by mistake; save a life; not accepted. You have to be under 30, so that the coming patient will be going (God knows where!)
Companies giving job advertisements for under age of 30; you make public ‘irritated’.
Are you looking for an unexperienced cheap worker? Write it openly. Do you want to have bankruptcy in the hands of unexperienced people? You don’t have a worry of earning; we understand. Then tell us; write: “We opened this company for fun. We want to have parties with the workers and get ‘so much close’ to them. We don’t have a problem of earning money. La la la”. You don’t have to design a company logo etc., whatever you do, your corporate image is already down with an advertisement like this!
Let’s have a look at the life through the eyes of people who have to reach 68 to get retired: A person who has done production management, head full of analyses. When looks at a paper, understands what was caused by what immediately. Could be a kind of business development manager but the last company he worked for 20 years didn’t give that happiness to him. One day, they fired him just to reduce the spendings of the company. Let’s say he’s 55. Most probably, he even doesn’t have an apartment of his own. Oh, then this man still needs to earn his life?? This experienced person looks at the advertisements and more than half mention the 30 of age criteria.
Company brother, human resources brother, why are you looking for a manager under 30? This means around ages 27-28. When will that person gain management capacity in 5-6 years, if gets graduated at the age of 22?? Are you looking for a lover for the boss? He can find a wife from his environment, you don’t have to tire your minds.
People who have to work until 68 may not be able to carry rocks for construction but can do all kinds of desk work much better than all of you. He/She can make you earn giant incomes, multiple times of the experience salary you give to them around 4000-5000 Turk Liras. He/She can give advises too (You hate taking advises, I forgot). In other cases, you don’t have to be a shop owner, painter, done favor actor, singer with plastic surgeries, done favor press/publisher or university professor, politician to be able to work long long years!
My twenty second column at (English translation below) //'daki yirmi ikinci köşe yazım
You are all following the latest politicial evidences. We shot the Russian planes when they several times entered our prohibited aerial space and Russia took off its citizens to be tourists in Turkiye, also stopped buying fruits and vegetables. Now some people want us to have fake panic in tourism! In fact haven’t we heard last year that Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt bought a summer house in Turkiye/Izmir/Foca? This year they are going to come for vacation..
This couple can pick the most beautiful place from thousands of kilometers away, why not other tourists? If I was a president of a tourism foundation, I would first give up from gun traders and rich people without cultivation. Are we only bounded to Russia? If yes, then esteemed companies, your marketing and your marketing communications are wrong.
When will you give up doing tourism marketing only Russia and Germany centered? There are over 190 countries in the world, you know it right? If my citizen can go all the way to Maldives, why can’t they come all the way from Maldives? The whole country is not needed to come; one group from there, another group from somewhere else, Turkiye will be overfilled. But Turkiye gets surprised that you don’t want this!
First of all let’s leave that “Blue Mosque Blue Mosque” (Sultanahmet Mosque) show aside, tourists don’t come to Istanbul only for mosque or Eminonu region. I wonder when you are going to start telling about and marketing Istanbul as a whole, a metropolitan with Bosphorus. And when will you remove off that Arab hat fez from being sold wrongly wrongly in touristic shops??
When will you remember that tourism is not limited with Aegean and Mediterranean shores?
When will you preclude a bottle of water being sold for 30 Turk Liras and one hamburger for 120 Turk Liras in Bodrum place where attracts the tourists most? What can I do if the gun traders afford to give that money? Does everyone have to be a gun trader?
If you always send the people who should never be corner writers, should never do TV programmes to even unimportant, smallest provinces of Europe and pomp to have trips in Europe to Turkiye citizens, you make inner tourism this much upside down. People who call Prague as a love city, don’t even know the map of Turkiye! I pass the idea that they are corner writers, it already smells so heavily that they were done favor..
My twenty second column at (English translation below) //'daki yirmi ikinci köşe yazım
You are all following the latest politicial evidences. We shot the Russian planes when they several times entered our prohibited aerial space and Russia took off its citizens to be tourists in Turkiye, also stopped buying fruits and vegetables. Now some people want us to have fake panic in tourism! In fact haven’t we heard last year that Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt bought a summer house in Turkiye/Izmir/Foca? This year they are going to come for vacation..
This couple can pick the most beautiful place from thousands of kilometers away, why not other tourists? If I was a president of a tourism foundation, I would first give up from gun traders and rich people without cultivation. Are we only bounded to Russia? If yes, then esteemed companies, your marketing and your marketing communications are wrong.
When will you give up doing tourism marketing only Russia and Germany centered? There are over 190 countries in the world, you know it right? If my citizen can go all the way to Maldives, why can’t they come all the way from Maldives? The whole country is not needed to come; one group from there, another group from somewhere else, Turkiye will be overfilled. But Turkiye gets surprised that you don’t want this!
First of all let’s leave that “Blue Mosque Blue Mosque” (Sultanahmet Mosque) show aside, tourists don’t come to Istanbul only for mosque or Eminonu region. I wonder when you are going to start telling about and marketing Istanbul as a whole, a metropolitan with Bosphorus. And when will you remove off that Arab hat fez from being sold wrongly wrongly in touristic shops??
When will you remember that tourism is not limited with Aegean and Mediterranean shores?
When will you preclude a bottle of water being sold for 30 Turk Liras and one hamburger for 120 Turk Liras in Bodrum place where attracts the tourists most? What can I do if the gun traders afford to give that money? Does everyone have to be a gun trader?
If you always send the people who should never be corner writers, should never do TV programmes to even unimportant, smallest provinces of Europe and pomp to have trips in Europe to Turkiye citizens, you make inner tourism this much upside down. People who call Prague as a love city, don’t even know the map of Turkiye! I pass the idea that they are corner writers, it already smells so heavily that they were done favor..
My thirteenth column at (English translation below)
// 'daki onüçuncü köşe yazım
PKK, PYD, YPG, KCK, DEAS, YDG-H.. A lot of terror organization names! If a name is given to a group and called as organization, think twice. Catch innocent people without warning, bomb, shoot with machine guns! You take away the peace, yes but what do you really earn? You think that you can take down a country? I die, he dies but TURKIYE WON’T DIE!
We were made terrified as there was ISIS cutting heads. Then we were made to relax there were PYD and YPG arms of PKK to protect us from ISIS. But they - on the other hand - began to force natives to move out and immigrate. Why? HEY, MY COUNTRY HAS BRAVE SOLDIERS! If terror organizations leave them alone, Turk soldiers can protect their country!
My Turkiye is beautiful, each stone of it is more beautiful and valuable than each other, there are both snow and sun, there you have a lot to eat and to keep. You are so poor? Then found a little teahouse then even little by little you’ll earn your life. Its sea is different, its cloud is different. Soil makes you smile, water makes you fresh.. Its citizens are full of love, its citizens are curious, its citizens are hard-working, its citizens are trustworthy.. If there’s a battle they don’t escape; they don’t immigrate; they fight and also die.. You may have forgotten the Independence War which made Turkiye as Turkiye or you are so uneducated that you may not know. TURKS DON’T FORGET THEIR ANCESTORS!
Once upon a time there was that Armenian terror organization ASALA. Even though they call as independence organization, there was IRA. Were the countries taken down? Look, UK is standing strong.
“We have terror organization, this shows they take us as target, this means the country is bright” said someone last year. I both agreed and disagreed. Yes somebody is playing with Turkiye since 70’s Armenian terror organization ASALA and then those created PKK. 40,000 lives - both Turk and Kurd rooted citizens have been lost, soldiers and civilians.. If the aim is making us hate each other, they won’t achieve it.
Turkiye and its citizens;
100 years ago in Ottoman Empire were living with diversity of race, language and religion and had no problem.
800 years ago in Selchuks and Anatolian Beyliks period were living with diversity of race, language and religion and had no problem.
1000s years ago in reports they were Turks - Hittites were living in Anatolia with diversity of race, language and religion and had no problem and..
.. again in reports they were Turks - Sumerians were living in Mesopotamia with diversity of race, language and religion and had no problem.
I don’t know whatever you are trying to show to the world but everyone knows the truth: you don’t have any peace.. No sports; no working and earning life; no reading; no love; no respect at all. Take a Kalashnikov, shoot with machine guns, put the money in your pocket. Then where will you spend that money, how will you be happy in those ‘no’s?
My thirteenth column at (English translation below)
// 'daki onüçuncü köşe yazım
PKK, PYD, YPG, KCK, DEAS, YDG-H.. A lot of terror organization names! If a name is given to a group and called as organization, think twice. Catch innocent people without warning, bomb, shoot with machine guns! You take away the peace, yes but what do you really earn? You think that you can take down a country? I die, he dies but TURKIYE WON’T DIE!
We were made terrified as there was ISIS cutting heads. Then we were made to relax there were PYD and YPG arms of PKK to protect us from ISIS. But they - on the other hand - began to force natives to move out and immigrate. Why? HEY, MY COUNTRY HAS BRAVE SOLDIERS! If terror organizations leave them alone, Turk soldiers can protect their country!
My Turkiye is beautiful, each stone of it is more beautiful and valuable than each other, there are both snow and sun, there you have a lot to eat and to keep. You are so poor? Then found a little teahouse then even little by little you’ll earn your life. Its sea is different, its cloud is different. Soil makes you smile, water makes you fresh.. Its citizens are full of love, its citizens are curious, its citizens are hard-working, its citizens are trustworthy.. If there’s a battle they don’t escape; they don’t immigrate; they fight and also die.. You may have forgotten the Independence War which made Turkiye as Turkiye or you are so uneducated that you may not know. TURKS DON’T FORGET THEIR ANCESTORS!
Once upon a time there was that Armenian terror organization ASALA. Even though they call as independence organization, there was IRA. Were the countries taken down? Look, UK is standing strong.
“We have terror organization, this shows they take us as target, this means the country is bright” said someone last year. I both agreed and disagreed. Yes somebody is playing with Turkiye since 70’s Armenian terror organization ASALA and then those created PKK. 40,000 lives - both Turk and Kurd rooted citizens have been lost, soldiers and civilians.. If the aim is making us hate each other, they won’t achieve it.
Turkiye and its citizens;
100 years ago in Ottoman Empire were living with diversity of race, language and religion and had no problem.
800 years ago in Selchuks and Anatolian Beyliks period were living with diversity of race, language and religion and had no problem.
1000s years ago in reports they were Turks - Hittites were living in Anatolia with diversity of race, language and religion and had no problem and..
.. again in reports they were Turks - Sumerians were living in Mesopotamia with diversity of race, language and religion and had no problem.
I don’t know whatever you are trying to show to the world but everyone knows the truth: you don’t have any peace.. No sports; no working and earning life; no reading; no love; no respect at all. Take a Kalashnikov, shoot with machine guns, put the money in your pocket. Then where will you spend that money, how will you be happy in those ‘no’s?
My twentieth column at (English translation below)
//'daki yirminci köşe yazım
Why fashionable things are seen almost the same in all shops but they look more attractive to buy in fashion brands’ shops? Why they look much better on you with the fact that they are more expensive? What are their secrets?
Fabric! Even though you make the best sewing happen by the best tailor of the world, no cloth looks charming if its fabric is not good. We see the repetation of some designs in some chain shops with an advantage that they also do in in low costs. The reason of this is, they work mostly with cotton and jersey fabric. But when you want to buy a good suit; you visit more shops and although you don’t want to buy an expensive one, immediately again the one you choose to buy is an expensive and fit one, right? Also for night gowns and cocktail dresses, your unconscious again goes to the best fabric in between the choices.
Fashion designers buy the fabrics directly from fabric producers, wholesalers or ‘fabric managers’. I wrote it before; a year’s fashion is in fact clear from two years before and the work already gets started. Through that work, fashion designers either research for the clothes integrated with their designs or they choose them in between the offer samples sent to them. And so few of the fashion houses produce their own fabrics or make a company produce as how they wish. We can count Marchesa and Valentino at the very beginning.
Fashion designers also get invitations for trading and textile fairs. As technology develops, the technic and the look of produced fabrics also get developed. Naturally, the people who want to have more knowledge in this area are again fashion designers. In these fairs, fashion designers also get the chance to have a look at the materials for accessories including shoes, bags and jewelry. Sometimes all this work is done by top executives and they show samples they collected to the designers.
Fashion houses don’t give away the fabric used for their collections left from their wholesale agreements. Especially for the reason the classical designs are kept in special files, when a demand comes for a classical design, they take the fabric out and do a customized one. Unfortunately, some fashion houses serve their new collections first in US, chosen European countries and Turkey; then serve the unsold ones in other European countries, Far East and South America likely they are new. If we speak out, we can say they mix the unsold ones with some new productions of the sold ones and send them to those countries later.
My twentieth column at (English translation below)
//'daki yirminci köşe yazım
Why fashionable things are seen almost the same in all shops but they look more attractive to buy in fashion brands’ shops? Why they look much better on you with the fact that they are more expensive? What are their secrets?
Fabric! Even though you make the best sewing happen by the best tailor of the world, no cloth looks charming if its fabric is not good. We see the repetation of some designs in some chain shops with an advantage that they also do in in low costs. The reason of this is, they work mostly with cotton and jersey fabric. But when you want to buy a good suit; you visit more shops and although you don’t want to buy an expensive one, immediately again the one you choose to buy is an expensive and fit one, right? Also for night gowns and cocktail dresses, your unconscious again goes to the best fabric in between the choices.
Fashion designers buy the fabrics directly from fabric producers, wholesalers or ‘fabric managers’. I wrote it before; a year’s fashion is in fact clear from two years before and the work already gets started. Through that work, fashion designers either research for the clothes integrated with their designs or they choose them in between the offer samples sent to them. And so few of the fashion houses produce their own fabrics or make a company produce as how they wish. We can count Marchesa and Valentino at the very beginning.
Fashion designers also get invitations for trading and textile fairs. As technology develops, the technic and the look of produced fabrics also get developed. Naturally, the people who want to have more knowledge in this area are again fashion designers. In these fairs, fashion designers also get the chance to have a look at the materials for accessories including shoes, bags and jewelry. Sometimes all this work is done by top executives and they show samples they collected to the designers.
Fashion houses don’t give away the fabric used for their collections left from their wholesale agreements. Especially for the reason the classical designs are kept in special files, when a demand comes for a classical design, they take the fabric out and do a customized one. Unfortunately, some fashion houses serve their new collections first in US, chosen European countries and Turkey; then serve the unsold ones in other European countries, Far East and South America likely they are new. If we speak out, we can say they mix the unsold ones with some new productions of the sold ones and send them to those countries later.

Here is my twelfth column at (English translation below)
// 'daki onikinci köşe yazım
If foreign tourist is stupid or has a profit to promote Istanbul badly, you will teach! If tourism companies can’t tell about Istanbul truely, you will warn! Eminonu: Old town of Istanbul.. But Istanbul doesn’t consist of Eminonu.. It’s too unfair for a city of 17-millions in winters and 22-millions with tourists in summers! If foreigners come for only two or three days, only stay in Eminonu and hunt poorest, oldest, worst streets for photographs and turn back without seeing any other province, it’s too unfair!! They should see Taksim, Bosphorus, Maslak, Nişantaşı, Kadıköy-Bağdat Avenue, Bakırköy too; they are must-sees before turning back! It’s unfair to Istanbul if they photograph Arab tourists and be proud in their countries to say they are Turks! Evil action was same evil action in 19th century as foreign tourists came to Ottoman Empire and photographed thick moustached Albanians wearing fez and showed likely they were Turks to Europe, didn’t they?? Athough they knew Turks only wore calpac as a hat..
It’s natural to reflect diversity left from Ottoman Empire in Eminonu but it can’t touch Arab culture. Have you ever known that there are dummies who think the Arabic labels for Arab tourists are Turk language?? Istanbul is not somewhere that tourist should come for whatever they get attracted to. Whoever wants to see Arabs, can go to Arab countries. Or they can go to Europe, the most Arab immigrants are in European countries. Istanbul is a Turk city!
I personally already and enoughly have fights; I always write edits or corrections to photographs taken by those kind of foreigners. Even some who think they are clever and who are in fact hunters of bad promotion start wars under their pictures.. Alone, I am not enough for everywhere and everything. Some corporate things should be done. Ministry of Tourism should put hand on this too. For example you can print and deliver a welcome to old town Eminonu part of Istanbul brochure within two pages not with a cost of 1 Turk Lira! Have you ever known that millions of tourists come to Istanbul and turn back without seeing our giant canal Bosphorus??
What are those ridiculous bars for oriental and semazen shows?? Oriental is Arab dance as its name shows too: ‘oriental’; means from east! More eastern than Turkiye. Why the hell it is in Turkiye?? Why semazens turn in places with alcohol and why these spiritual people are called ‘whirling dervish’; are they dervish??
One photograph is faster and more effective than 5000 sentences, 100 letters. I do---not---want photographs of only Eminonu badly promoting Istanbul on purpose in foreigners’ cameras!!!! For the last couple of years, Brazil had the same problem too; foreigners were going to poorest gypsy areas to photograph and turning back to their countries. I can’t see any good intention here!!!
My ninteenth column at (English translation below) //'daki ondokuzuncu köşe yazım
Fashion fits 'the good'.. // Moda iyiye yakışır…
It doesn’t seem quite right even though some people have fashion from head to toe; it doesn’t look right on them. Maybe they look through an ugly soul to the cameras, maybe they put the fashion pieces just to get them together. Some things keep missing..
Some people are really born for fashion. These are beautiful people, inside and out. Good people.. Maybe they are wealthy but they are not so into it. Or they don’t use that to pass, step on others. That’s why they make people wonder about them and the press follows them really and willingly; public want to see them too.
I’m not talking about fake famous people or people walking with a make up of finger thick foundation. The ‘inside and out’ beautiful people who I’m talking about are so different..
Some are from high society and also have noble blood. In fact, definition of high society has been so much changed for the last 10-15 years. Recently, whoever are wealthy look like members of this high group of people. But in fact, only others are called high society in the world; members of royal family, lords and ladies, dukes and duchesses, artists who have the order of the royal family (royal medal), businessmen who have served for the country for generations (mostly they have noble blood too). These people are always followed by society magazines and newspapers because public also wonder about them.
There was someone in between these people you know was a legend for everyone; Lady Diana.. After her loss, she was told in books and movies as a person beaten by her ambitions and passion but it was obvious that she wanted love and to be loved. Public was not aware of this side of her – even if it was known, nothing would change, everyone wants to be fallen in love with and Di wanted someone holding her hand and proudly walking in public – why was she loved and followed this much? It’s not a big secret. Even in the time volunteering wasn’t called ‘social responsibility’, Lady Diana was trying to help everywhere she could reach. I will never forget her walking in the mine field for the press to call attention of the world for African children losing arms and legs. Later her sons continued to call attention for Africa.
And she was also chic.. It’s well known that a royal family can spend good amount of money for ceremony and celebration clothes but her chicness was different. She had a good sense of fashion; also preferred to be friends with fashion designers and evaluated clothes so well. Have you ever seen a royal family member having her hair ‘man style short cut’ before or after her? She was really the icon of her period.. In her last months, she was so depressed without love that her clothes turned out to be more open and feminine. She was likely taking revenge from herself..
In these recent years, there are so few people who are still noble and aware of fashion, beautiful inside and out. All we can see are ‘plastic surgery people’ having skin pulled from somewhere to somewhere, ‘wild looks’, fake eyelashed looks, make up of thick foundation, deep cleavages.. These unfortunately don’t make you fashion icons..
My ninteenth column at (English translation below) //'daki ondokuzuncu köşe yazım
Fashion fits 'the good'.. // Moda iyiye yakışır…
It doesn’t seem quite right even though some people have fashion from head to toe; it doesn’t look right on them. Maybe they look through an ugly soul to the cameras, maybe they put the fashion pieces just to get them together. Some things keep missing..
Some people are really born for fashion. These are beautiful people, inside and out. Good people.. Maybe they are wealthy but they are not so into it. Or they don’t use that to pass, step on others. That’s why they make people wonder about them and the press follows them really and willingly; public want to see them too.
I’m not talking about fake famous people or people walking with a make up of finger thick foundation. The ‘inside and out’ beautiful people who I’m talking about are so different..
Some are from high society and also have noble blood. In fact, definition of high society has been so much changed for the last 10-15 years. Recently, whoever are wealthy look like members of this high group of people. But in fact, only others are called high society in the world; members of royal family, lords and ladies, dukes and duchesses, artists who have the order of the royal family (royal medal), businessmen who have served for the country for generations (mostly they have noble blood too). These people are always followed by society magazines and newspapers because public also wonder about them.
There was someone in between these people you know was a legend for everyone; Lady Diana.. After her loss, she was told in books and movies as a person beaten by her ambitions and passion but it was obvious that she wanted love and to be loved. Public was not aware of this side of her – even if it was known, nothing would change, everyone wants to be fallen in love with and Di wanted someone holding her hand and proudly walking in public – why was she loved and followed this much? It’s not a big secret. Even in the time volunteering wasn’t called ‘social responsibility’, Lady Diana was trying to help everywhere she could reach. I will never forget her walking in the mine field for the press to call attention of the world for African children losing arms and legs. Later her sons continued to call attention for Africa.
And she was also chic.. It’s well known that a royal family can spend good amount of money for ceremony and celebration clothes but her chicness was different. She had a good sense of fashion; also preferred to be friends with fashion designers and evaluated clothes so well. Have you ever seen a royal family member having her hair ‘man style short cut’ before or after her? She was really the icon of her period.. In her last months, she was so depressed without love that her clothes turned out to be more open and feminine. She was likely taking revenge from herself..
In these recent years, there are so few people who are still noble and aware of fashion, beautiful inside and out. All we can see are ‘plastic surgery people’ having skin pulled from somewhere to somewhere, ‘wild looks’, fake eyelashed looks, make up of thick foundation, deep cleavages.. These unfortunately don’t make you fashion icons..
Here is my eleventh column at (English translation below)
// 'daki onbirinci köşe yazım
Egomaniacs don’t look at the CV of the competitor they have eyes on; their blind brains don’t have words like fairness or others being better than them.. ..In fact, they may look like billions but if they made theirselves rare wherever they are, so, they show off like a museum piece. If you are their competitor, they take your style and by stealing how you look, they ‘think’ they pass you because they are already balloon big with their no talent. You can’t cope with them and egomania is a kind of psychological illness you should know..
They especially go maniac with sweet/modest girls and the men they love; male or female, egomaniacs can’t stand two people loving each other.
If good news/evidence takes place in your life: Egomaniacs don’t congratulate; don’t get happy when they see. They say they will attend but they don’t. They always want the world to admire them - to ease the pain of them feeling low and absent talent they know. The mistake is the people making them big like a balloon and the reality is, these people making them balloon do it to protect theirselves from their dirty character and bitchiness..
Egomaniacs identify theirselves at work. For them, success is workplaces who owe thanks making them be there.. You don’t read wrong, success for them is only being there. They don’t do researches or good files. They don’t have to do anything, in any case they get appreciated.
Long time effort/waiting? They make you do it. You get in the queue for an activity and they come at the very last minute.. You call their name, they don’t hear you; they are up so high how can they? ..Adding this, egomaniacs eat their minds with muscle-sports but they worry about hurting theirselves so they want you to do them; again the aim here is to make you do a physical thing so they feel higher in hierarchy.
They show peevishness to their so close environments. Even if they are male, bitchy women may come out of them. They have lots of caprices. While they are smiling around, they calculate how to pass/beat who..
Egomaniacs have so much spare time. They don’t have any worry to develop theirselves so they don’t read books, don’t have any bookshelves at their homes, they don’t think on developing theirselves. For this reason many egomaniacs do self-centered and selfish activities. For example they follow what others wear, use, eat or drink and to pass them they begin to do exactly the same things. Self-centered activities can be such as cooking for, having trips with people who highly and daily give compliments to them and shopping only so expensive design things as soon as they have budgets.
High egomaniacs can be seen as alcoholics. They can’t handle critics so they drink not to hear them. You can see them drunk in the middle of the day. In their kind of new life, this time they try to make theirselves cool with drink brands.
Egomaniacs as a must get partners as egoist as they are. From outside, these torturing and trying to be cool couples look good, on the other hand their relationships are firms, investments. They pick each other to be higher than others, they cheat on each other by sleeping with their victims..
Here is my eleventh column at (English translation below)
// 'daki onbirinci köşe yazım
Egomaniacs don’t look at the CV of the competitor they have eyes on; their blind brains don’t have words like fairness or others being better than them.. ..In fact, they may look like billions but if they made theirselves rare wherever they are, so, they show off like a museum piece. If you are their competitor, they take your style and by stealing how you look, they ‘think’ they pass you because they are already balloon big with their no talent. You can’t cope with them and egomania is a kind of psychological illness you should know..
They especially go maniac with sweet/modest girls and the men they love; male or female, egomaniacs can’t stand two people loving each other.
If good news/evidence takes place in your life: Egomaniacs don’t congratulate; don’t get happy when they see. They say they will attend but they don’t. They always want the world to admire them - to ease the pain of them feeling low and absent talent they know. The mistake is the people making them big like a balloon and the reality is, these people making them balloon do it to protect theirselves from their dirty character and bitchiness..
Egomaniacs identify theirselves at work. For them, success is workplaces who owe thanks making them be there.. You don’t read wrong, success for them is only being there. They don’t do researches or good files. They don’t have to do anything, in any case they get appreciated.
Long time effort/waiting? They make you do it. You get in the queue for an activity and they come at the very last minute.. You call their name, they don’t hear you; they are up so high how can they? ..Adding this, egomaniacs eat their minds with muscle-sports but they worry about hurting theirselves so they want you to do them; again the aim here is to make you do a physical thing so they feel higher in hierarchy.
They show peevishness to their so close environments. Even if they are male, bitchy women may come out of them. They have lots of caprices. While they are smiling around, they calculate how to pass/beat who..
Egomaniacs have so much spare time. They don’t have any worry to develop theirselves so they don’t read books, don’t have any bookshelves at their homes, they don’t think on developing theirselves. For this reason many egomaniacs do self-centered and selfish activities. For example they follow what others wear, use, eat or drink and to pass them they begin to do exactly the same things. Self-centered activities can be such as cooking for, having trips with people who highly and daily give compliments to them and shopping only so expensive design things as soon as they have budgets.
High egomaniacs can be seen as alcoholics. They can’t handle critics so they drink not to hear them. You can see them drunk in the middle of the day. In their kind of new life, this time they try to make theirselves cool with drink brands.
Egomaniacs as a must get partners as egoist as they are. From outside, these torturing and trying to be cool couples look good, on the other hand their relationships are firms, investments. They pick each other to be higher than others, they cheat on each other by sleeping with their victims..
My eighteenth column at "TRENDS OF 2016" (English translation below)
//'daki onsekizinci köşe yazım "2016 TRENDLERİ"
I can say, generally it will be a crazy year. A year that we will definitely live 90s.. Not having different seasonal collections, clothes of 2016 will manage the whole year..
You know, hair is the first place to look at. For women, the hairsprays with glitter that we know from 90s are coming back. For men, as ‘grunge’ style’s reflection, braids will start to be used. For short cut hair, men will prefer 50s style classical cut.
Trousers’ legs will be very loose; both men and women will wear large trousers. Also, for both men and women, generally there will be suits with waistcoats inside. Waistcoats are more thought for workplaces. If gone for an event in the evening, waistcoats will be replaced with turtle neck sweaters.
Other important pieces for women clothing are x shaped halter neck tank tops, loose jackets, plaid pieces, striped Indian style shirts, cropped/capri trousers, mini and maksi all kinds of skirts, very mixed patterned dresses.. Other important pieces for men clothing are long sleeved very tight sweaters, long sleeved very mixed patterned and tight t-shirts, plaid pieces, striped Indian style shirts.. Textiles will be again lace and cotton but this year they will be much thinner and lighter versions. And also silk..
Clothing colours standing in the forefront will differ according to the pieces. Suits will be all tones of soil and blue for both men and women. Also for women, pink in all tones will be used for textile products. Very mixed patterns will come from flowers of fields, sharp dark coloured tropical patterns, interesting blue and white patterns from ice or sky.
Jewelries for women, leave many accessories of 2015 to plain and classical style accessories. You will have one jewelry but it will dominate your whole clothing.. ‘Hand bracelets’ are coming. Men will keep long chains like historical chain pocket watches within their suits. Also again as the full reflection of 90s, both men and women will carry long chain necklaces.
For bags, sports backpacks and sports shoulder bags will be same as 2015’s big and round shapes. But women’s daily shoulder bags will carry messages; plastic casted and shaped interesting shoulder bags will look like toys.
For shoes, sports shoes will continue to be dominant, high heel shoes will turn into flat paltform/thick soled shoes.
//'daki onsekizinci köşe yazım "2016 TRENDLERİ"
I can say, generally it will be a crazy year. A year that we will definitely live 90s.. Not having different seasonal collections, clothes of 2016 will manage the whole year..
You know, hair is the first place to look at. For women, the hairsprays with glitter that we know from 90s are coming back. For men, as ‘grunge’ style’s reflection, braids will start to be used. For short cut hair, men will prefer 50s style classical cut.
Trousers’ legs will be very loose; both men and women will wear large trousers. Also, for both men and women, generally there will be suits with waistcoats inside. Waistcoats are more thought for workplaces. If gone for an event in the evening, waistcoats will be replaced with turtle neck sweaters.
Other important pieces for women clothing are x shaped halter neck tank tops, loose jackets, plaid pieces, striped Indian style shirts, cropped/capri trousers, mini and maksi all kinds of skirts, very mixed patterned dresses.. Other important pieces for men clothing are long sleeved very tight sweaters, long sleeved very mixed patterned and tight t-shirts, plaid pieces, striped Indian style shirts.. Textiles will be again lace and cotton but this year they will be much thinner and lighter versions. And also silk..
Clothing colours standing in the forefront will differ according to the pieces. Suits will be all tones of soil and blue for both men and women. Also for women, pink in all tones will be used for textile products. Very mixed patterns will come from flowers of fields, sharp dark coloured tropical patterns, interesting blue and white patterns from ice or sky.
Jewelries for women, leave many accessories of 2015 to plain and classical style accessories. You will have one jewelry but it will dominate your whole clothing.. ‘Hand bracelets’ are coming. Men will keep long chains like historical chain pocket watches within their suits. Also again as the full reflection of 90s, both men and women will carry long chain necklaces.
For bags, sports backpacks and sports shoulder bags will be same as 2015’s big and round shapes. But women’s daily shoulder bags will carry messages; plastic casted and shaped interesting shoulder bags will look like toys.
For shoes, sports shoes will continue to be dominant, high heel shoes will turn into flat paltform/thick soled shoes.
Here is my ninth column at // 'daki dokuzuncu köşe yazım
Just to be seen popular, insisting on being friends with someone who is so different than himself/herself. Even sometimes taking that disgusting person so serious, getting blind by him/her and lying to beautiful family.. Admiring that ugly person’s life, his/her fake adventure stories, being hunted to be as disgusting and tricky like that person; on the other hand looking for pure love. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
Taking himself/herself as popular but being a scarecrow instead.. Sleeping with everyone but guarding that his/her life is a super life.. Trying to blur married couples’ brains with 18+ videos but personally not being able to have physical or emotional satisfaction. Being miserable, on the other hand lowering innocent people. Having good amount of money but living from others things for free, eating everything in their refrigerators for free, later talking bad about their wives/husbands to show he/she is the best friend.. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
Not keeping ethics of politics, saying ‘peace’ in the country but talking about ‘inner war’ when abroad. Saying “I’ll shoot, kill with Kalashnikovs” in the country but when abroad, giving speeches like “It’s genocide, there’s war, come and help us”. Walking around in a shirt and having a big belly. Gathering donations, liquidizing sympathy and money to the terror organization against the country. Thinking he/she will be liked with two jokes and his/her musical instrument but not being able to set up two political sentences together as an educated person. Having zero vision.. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
Being a manager running from party to party and having hangover at workplace in the mornings.. To be seen as a good manager, delivering promises to workers but not looking at any of them right after work hours. Having greed for a rise, using same-greed workers physically with their position’s advantage. At the end, rising but dying alone in that high (!) chair.. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
Getting fury and being in ambition to pass everyone in wealth but having no cultivation. Being easy women thinking they are the desired ones, still not getting it’s being phsysically used the next day. Entertaining people by making them drunk. Driving the car fast in security line of the road. Making milk or beer more by adding water. Evaluating farmers’ products less or paying less to them. Using sand in building constructions. Being ‘two costumes, thick make up’ singer. Taking being pretty/fine looking as being an actor. Investing on equipments but not being able to shoot a good movie/tv programme. Talking for hours but not being able to tell anything. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
They say ”Everything is fine”, that is what taking himself/herself as clever. Everything goes fine; never thinking on what is wrong or right.. Until an opposition occurs.. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else. This is what taking himself/herself as clever..
Here is my ninth column at // 'daki dokuzuncu köşe yazım
Just to be seen popular, insisting on being friends with someone who is so different than himself/herself. Even sometimes taking that disgusting person so serious, getting blind by him/her and lying to beautiful family.. Admiring that ugly person’s life, his/her fake adventure stories, being hunted to be as disgusting and tricky like that person; on the other hand looking for pure love. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
Taking himself/herself as popular but being a scarecrow instead.. Sleeping with everyone but guarding that his/her life is a super life.. Trying to blur married couples’ brains with 18+ videos but personally not being able to have physical or emotional satisfaction. Being miserable, on the other hand lowering innocent people. Having good amount of money but living from others things for free, eating everything in their refrigerators for free, later talking bad about their wives/husbands to show he/she is the best friend.. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
Not keeping ethics of politics, saying ‘peace’ in the country but talking about ‘inner war’ when abroad. Saying “I’ll shoot, kill with Kalashnikovs” in the country but when abroad, giving speeches like “It’s genocide, there’s war, come and help us”. Walking around in a shirt and having a big belly. Gathering donations, liquidizing sympathy and money to the terror organization against the country. Thinking he/she will be liked with two jokes and his/her musical instrument but not being able to set up two political sentences together as an educated person. Having zero vision.. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
Being a manager running from party to party and having hangover at workplace in the mornings.. To be seen as a good manager, delivering promises to workers but not looking at any of them right after work hours. Having greed for a rise, using same-greed workers physically with their position’s advantage. At the end, rising but dying alone in that high (!) chair.. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
Getting fury and being in ambition to pass everyone in wealth but having no cultivation. Being easy women thinking they are the desired ones, still not getting it’s being phsysically used the next day. Entertaining people by making them drunk. Driving the car fast in security line of the road. Making milk or beer more by adding water. Evaluating farmers’ products less or paying less to them. Using sand in building constructions. Being ‘two costumes, thick make up’ singer. Taking being pretty/fine looking as being an actor. Investing on equipments but not being able to shoot a good movie/tv programme. Talking for hours but not being able to tell anything. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else.
They say ”Everything is fine”, that is what taking himself/herself as clever. Everything goes fine; never thinking on what is wrong or right.. Until an opposition occurs.. Feeling pity for himself/herself not to feel pity for anyone else. This is what taking himself/herself as clever..
My seventeenth column at "PROFESSIONS HAVE TRENDS" (English translation below)
//'daki onyedinci köşe yazım "MESLEKLERİN TRENDLERİ VAR"
I look at countries generally, half of the populations are working for media, most of other half is human resources and countries are full of jobless people.. I say, “So, the other half is not working for each other”. Then I look at close environment; the people who work in the places we go in the daily life; bank officers, sales people, people producing things on the supermarket shelves.. When I see products, I stare strongly at one group of products; food and baverage. Fruits, vegetables, grains. They are there with so little amount, right? Food is little and there are not so many producers. That’s why food is expensive. The structure of all countries are same. There are no agriculture people! There is no food! The food that exists is expensive! Why there’s no farmer? Why there’s no one doing the most necessary professions??
There is a farming type now - ‘organic farming’ as the talk of the town. How nice there is! Wish it could exist widely.. Wish everyone who have opportunities could do farming..
There’s no need to deny; it’s so obvious. Professions have trends. Determinate professions get popular and youngsters want to have their educations on them after high school. On the other hand, someone with some wealth gets bored sitting at home and jumps to a proffession rising in trends; gets a short education on it or invests in that area without any education. Leave university education aside, the new enterpreneur says “What is certificate? I can handle this myself”. I laugh.
For the last 15 years, all professions around ‘media planet’ are trendy; acting, advertising, journalism, TV, do anything but be seen at TV announcement, directing, singing, playing football.. The second area close to media are secretly rising; fashion designing, jewelry designing, make up designing, hair dressing, accessories designing, investing for second hand shops.. In the third area, there are plastic surgents, dietary and nutrition experts, novel writers..
Also there are professions that are so important, so popular these days and you can’t do without education; construction engineering, food engineering, being pilot, defence ministry, biology, genetical engineering, physics engineering..
I’m not going to follow your expectations, I won’t analyze these professions. I will just say things about the trendy professions around ‘media planet’; why everyone ‘able’ or ‘not able’, ‘good on screen’ or ‘not good on screen’ are on TV? Many furious faces but they disappear in years.. It’s said that there is information pollution in internet, in fact there is face pollution on TV.. I again remember Andy Warhol’s quote, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes".. After that, it is a heartbreak, no income, turning back to the profession that they already had to at the very beginning..
//'daki onyedinci köşe yazım "MESLEKLERİN TRENDLERİ VAR"
I look at countries generally, half of the populations are working for media, most of other half is human resources and countries are full of jobless people.. I say, “So, the other half is not working for each other”. Then I look at close environment; the people who work in the places we go in the daily life; bank officers, sales people, people producing things on the supermarket shelves.. When I see products, I stare strongly at one group of products; food and baverage. Fruits, vegetables, grains. They are there with so little amount, right? Food is little and there are not so many producers. That’s why food is expensive. The structure of all countries are same. There are no agriculture people! There is no food! The food that exists is expensive! Why there’s no farmer? Why there’s no one doing the most necessary professions??
There is a farming type now - ‘organic farming’ as the talk of the town. How nice there is! Wish it could exist widely.. Wish everyone who have opportunities could do farming..
There’s no need to deny; it’s so obvious. Professions have trends. Determinate professions get popular and youngsters want to have their educations on them after high school. On the other hand, someone with some wealth gets bored sitting at home and jumps to a proffession rising in trends; gets a short education on it or invests in that area without any education. Leave university education aside, the new enterpreneur says “What is certificate? I can handle this myself”. I laugh.
For the last 15 years, all professions around ‘media planet’ are trendy; acting, advertising, journalism, TV, do anything but be seen at TV announcement, directing, singing, playing football.. The second area close to media are secretly rising; fashion designing, jewelry designing, make up designing, hair dressing, accessories designing, investing for second hand shops.. In the third area, there are plastic surgents, dietary and nutrition experts, novel writers..
Also there are professions that are so important, so popular these days and you can’t do without education; construction engineering, food engineering, being pilot, defence ministry, biology, genetical engineering, physics engineering..
I’m not going to follow your expectations, I won’t analyze these professions. I will just say things about the trendy professions around ‘media planet’; why everyone ‘able’ or ‘not able’, ‘good on screen’ or ‘not good on screen’ are on TV? Many furious faces but they disappear in years.. It’s said that there is information pollution in internet, in fact there is face pollution on TV.. I again remember Andy Warhol’s quote, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes".. After that, it is a heartbreak, no income, turning back to the profession that they already had to at the very beginning..
WHAT IS LOVE? (English translation below) // AŞK NEDİR?
Here is my eighth column at // 'daki sekizinci köşe yazım
You are right, I don’t know how far I can go. In fact, that’s why I am writing.. That’s why I anticipated to have ’True Love Movement // Gerçek Aşk Hareketi’ being founded by giving the idea. ( Temporary address:çek-Aşk-Har…/ )
Reminding love to fast food lives is a mission. Their aim to make the world ugly comes from being loveless. Can someone who hasn’t had real love, give real love to someone else?
True love should be told again and again.. Love should be reminded so the world can be more beautiful. It’s enough that greed is drowning humanity. These are all doing some beautiful things. True Love Movement is trying to say ”Human, with your greed, you forgot what true love is..”
You can’t have more, love is one. One person, only one name.. Only one person can be loved. Someone attempting to have more is not a lover but an ugly trickster. Delivering attention to take attention gets unvaluable.. On the other hand, true love fascinates being priceless because it can’t be solid; it’s not physical; it is soul..
It doesn’t hurt your soul; gets dissolved in your soul; nourishes your soul.. These days, Mehmet Erdem has a song ‘Can Pain Be Loved?’ If there’s pain, it’s not love. Love is not a game either; people who turn love into a toy, don’t know what they are doing. There can’t be games in true love. There’s no true love with winning losing, competing, making jealous, showing alternatives..
True love doesn’t consider ‘being advantageous’.There’s no winner or loser. It’s not egoist; egos tear love in pieces..
When you find it, it becomes your resource of life; like water, like air..
If your love is not with you; your breath gets cut off, also when your love is with you..
Love is not an ornament. Enters your life unexpectedly and becomes the value not to let you think of anything else..
It’s dreaming together; planning the future.
But love is not a firm. You can’t sell for money. You can’t buy with money. It can’t be used to rise or for carreer. That’s not love. It’s something that I can’t say here..
You know, fast food lives are ready to try anything saying ”There can be escapes, lies” . Even they can’t digest a lie everyday. Person who gets surrounded by fake love understands it and he/she can’t digest either. At last, surely one side goes away..
True love doesn’t have secrets. If something is hidden, then love is not honest. Then it is not true love either..
They also say ”there is fake love”. That’s not love, it’s wrong to call that love..
Maybe you’ve found this week’s column too romantic. Love is in fact romanticism.
Love is really loving someone..
Here is my eighth column at // 'daki sekizinci köşe yazım
You are right, I don’t know how far I can go. In fact, that’s why I am writing.. That’s why I anticipated to have ’True Love Movement // Gerçek Aşk Hareketi’ being founded by giving the idea. ( Temporary address:çek-Aşk-Har…/ )
Reminding love to fast food lives is a mission. Their aim to make the world ugly comes from being loveless. Can someone who hasn’t had real love, give real love to someone else?
True love should be told again and again.. Love should be reminded so the world can be more beautiful. It’s enough that greed is drowning humanity. These are all doing some beautiful things. True Love Movement is trying to say ”Human, with your greed, you forgot what true love is..”
You can’t have more, love is one. One person, only one name.. Only one person can be loved. Someone attempting to have more is not a lover but an ugly trickster. Delivering attention to take attention gets unvaluable.. On the other hand, true love fascinates being priceless because it can’t be solid; it’s not physical; it is soul..
It doesn’t hurt your soul; gets dissolved in your soul; nourishes your soul.. These days, Mehmet Erdem has a song ‘Can Pain Be Loved?’ If there’s pain, it’s not love. Love is not a game either; people who turn love into a toy, don’t know what they are doing. There can’t be games in true love. There’s no true love with winning losing, competing, making jealous, showing alternatives..
True love doesn’t consider ‘being advantageous’.There’s no winner or loser. It’s not egoist; egos tear love in pieces..
When you find it, it becomes your resource of life; like water, like air..
If your love is not with you; your breath gets cut off, also when your love is with you..
Love is not an ornament. Enters your life unexpectedly and becomes the value not to let you think of anything else..
It’s dreaming together; planning the future.
But love is not a firm. You can’t sell for money. You can’t buy with money. It can’t be used to rise or for carreer. That’s not love. It’s something that I can’t say here..
You know, fast food lives are ready to try anything saying ”There can be escapes, lies” . Even they can’t digest a lie everyday. Person who gets surrounded by fake love understands it and he/she can’t digest either. At last, surely one side goes away..
True love doesn’t have secrets. If something is hidden, then love is not honest. Then it is not true love either..
They also say ”there is fake love”. That’s not love, it’s wrong to call that love..
Maybe you’ve found this week’s column too romantic. Love is in fact romanticism.
Love is really loving someone..
My sixteenth column at " TRUE LOVE MOVEMENT" (English translation below)
//'daki onaltıncı köşe yazım "GERÇEK AŞK HAREKETİ"
We were talking and wishing about true love to be fashionable again as it is somehow old fashioned and then.. A new movement is born; ’True Love Movement’. I’m happy being the creator of the idea and also witness of it being born. I’m hopeful. You know I always support good and right, so I’ll always be behind this subject. While the world is getting uglier, if we don’t continue telling about beautiful and valuable things, I’m afraid they won’t exist anymore.
Movement started opposing love seen as consumption material. Love has been randomized just like the other non-existing beautiful things. Love goes so far from the thoughts of spiritual leaders Buddha, Rumî, literature of well known names Schopenhauer, Goethe, Shakespeare, Ozdemir Asaf, Can Yucel, Edip Cansever, the way how love songs, romantic movies tell.. It has been broken into pieces. Sensualized. Beaten by hunger of satisfaction. Victim of greed. The value of true love in ugly seeing eyes, goes down, down, down like currencies.. Love doesn’t deserve any of these.
True Love Movement will bring love to light. It will tell about true love. If love is not told, mentioned, spread from ear to ear, how will you make new generations feel the individual love?
’Sex sells’ right? How can a person stop being brain washed, thinking sexualized and ’must be naked’ women at banners in internet, at posters in streets, on screen are beautiful; score stories heard from greedy environment are love stories? How can a child give real love to his/her parner when grown up, if the child never sees his/her parents holding hands, kissing each other with love? If new generation doesn’t read or get told about true love, how can you expect them to do anything and everything to protect true love?
So bittery.. So painful giving aches to heart.. Human doesn’t go after ’real’ beauties; admires plastic beauties that are later gained. Look at TV icons, puffy with silicon bags anywhere. Pop stars are without natural beauty, internet is full of plastic bodies and people with also fear of getting old.. How can someone who idealizes these, turn back to real life? Can’t. Today’s victims forget who they fell in love with, how they began to hold hands; same hands rise in the air to leave bruise marks on beloved ones’ bodies.
True Love Movement will ask men who see violence natural and turn psychological and physical violence into being invincible and ego satisfaction.. ”When you first met her, she was a woman like spring. She fell in love with you. She trusted you. She came closer to your warmth and under your wings. How could you think those bruise marks would look good on her?” ..Movement will also ask men turning violence into injuries and murder who don’t have any little piece of human love.. ”How could you hurt a defenceless woman? Instead of for loving and protecting, how could you use your several times bigger physical power on a slender body? How could you cover her beautiful smile, beautiful body with blood? How could you take her life? Are you God?”
Love, water, air, soil, nature, environment, humanity are slained. Wars, battles empower individual violence.. Somehow there are fighters for water, air, soil, nature, environment and humanity but how about love? For this reason, I say True Love Movement.. Facebook page is very newly founded, so the temporary link can be long; these days you can reach through here:çek-Aşk-Har…/ Or you can search like this on Facebook: True Love Movement // Gerçek Aşk Hareketi
//'daki onaltıncı köşe yazım "GERÇEK AŞK HAREKETİ"
We were talking and wishing about true love to be fashionable again as it is somehow old fashioned and then.. A new movement is born; ’True Love Movement’. I’m happy being the creator of the idea and also witness of it being born. I’m hopeful. You know I always support good and right, so I’ll always be behind this subject. While the world is getting uglier, if we don’t continue telling about beautiful and valuable things, I’m afraid they won’t exist anymore.
Movement started opposing love seen as consumption material. Love has been randomized just like the other non-existing beautiful things. Love goes so far from the thoughts of spiritual leaders Buddha, Rumî, literature of well known names Schopenhauer, Goethe, Shakespeare, Ozdemir Asaf, Can Yucel, Edip Cansever, the way how love songs, romantic movies tell.. It has been broken into pieces. Sensualized. Beaten by hunger of satisfaction. Victim of greed. The value of true love in ugly seeing eyes, goes down, down, down like currencies.. Love doesn’t deserve any of these.
True Love Movement will bring love to light. It will tell about true love. If love is not told, mentioned, spread from ear to ear, how will you make new generations feel the individual love?
’Sex sells’ right? How can a person stop being brain washed, thinking sexualized and ’must be naked’ women at banners in internet, at posters in streets, on screen are beautiful; score stories heard from greedy environment are love stories? How can a child give real love to his/her parner when grown up, if the child never sees his/her parents holding hands, kissing each other with love? If new generation doesn’t read or get told about true love, how can you expect them to do anything and everything to protect true love?
So bittery.. So painful giving aches to heart.. Human doesn’t go after ’real’ beauties; admires plastic beauties that are later gained. Look at TV icons, puffy with silicon bags anywhere. Pop stars are without natural beauty, internet is full of plastic bodies and people with also fear of getting old.. How can someone who idealizes these, turn back to real life? Can’t. Today’s victims forget who they fell in love with, how they began to hold hands; same hands rise in the air to leave bruise marks on beloved ones’ bodies.
True Love Movement will ask men who see violence natural and turn psychological and physical violence into being invincible and ego satisfaction.. ”When you first met her, she was a woman like spring. She fell in love with you. She trusted you. She came closer to your warmth and under your wings. How could you think those bruise marks would look good on her?” ..Movement will also ask men turning violence into injuries and murder who don’t have any little piece of human love.. ”How could you hurt a defenceless woman? Instead of for loving and protecting, how could you use your several times bigger physical power on a slender body? How could you cover her beautiful smile, beautiful body with blood? How could you take her life? Are you God?”
Love, water, air, soil, nature, environment, humanity are slained. Wars, battles empower individual violence.. Somehow there are fighters for water, air, soil, nature, environment and humanity but how about love? For this reason, I say True Love Movement.. Facebook page is very newly founded, so the temporary link can be long; these days you can reach through here:çek-Aşk-Har…/ Or you can search like this on Facebook: True Love Movement // Gerçek Aşk Hareketi
Here is my seventh column at
// 'daki yedinci köşe yazım
I had to write. I wanted to write this for a long time but couldn’t have the chance. None of the three women are my relatives. We know each other from work life and media. In between, only the Turk naturally blonde one is someone I can call ‘friend’ but I don’t think she evaluates me like this; not so important; important thing is me seeing her valuable. For me, all three are ‘hopeless cases’. The first one as natural blonde is given a barrier to appear as successful; second one as fake blonde is totally a degeneration of profession, wronging of employment and suicide of the company that employed her; finally third one as half natural blonde does the suicide to herself with her own work..
Yes. First one is Turk and naturally blonde. From outside, she looks crazy but inside, she is calm, tender and I guess she knows value of human. She was in United States for long years; had education there. She might have been born there too. She has her English language level as a native speaker. She comes from journalism. Her education is also on journalism so I can really call her colleague. She newly got married. Her last job was at a TV channel, an economics TV and she worked at foreign news department. She got tired so much; complaining about not having free time for her family; quitted the job. How could she have time for her family? A ‘power’ wanted her to start work at 06.00 a.m. every day to prepare the morning news. She was then back home before late afternoon but how could someone take this? Think, at what time she had to wake up to be at work at 06.00 in the morning and for this, what time she had to go to bed? In the evening hours, that all normal people could socialize, rest, read a book, have time for hobbies, she could hardly start to sleep. I know, you’ll say “Life can make you work in worse conditions” but they evaluated this educated, native speaker, intellectual person in a condition to make her intellectual side grated. As I told before, she later quitted.. This qualified woman is now a housewife! At least she has time for her family and she is happy with this.. I don’t have anything to say for those absent minded people seeing her suitable to be a housewife!
Second one is a fake blonde, not even blonde - a kind of so ugly light brown turning into platin. Since the first time we met, I’ve thought, her nose didn’t become more beautiful and looked like the famous caricature character ’Deli Ziya’ despite having plastic surgery. I don’t like criticizing beauty but I am against ‘pushed’ beauties with plastic surgery - deeply against those who try to pass naturally beautiful people with that ‘pushed’ plastic surgery! This fake blonde has been swimming in money with her high level job. She also often travels abroad. Is she successful? Not. She can’t even be the nail of the natural blonde.. Her English is fair. She went to a language course by our criticizations and made her language better; as you can guess, only shown beter on certificate. Don’t be tricked by seeing her sentences in English in social media, she copies and pastes them. From the name of the famous key speaker of a conference, to the city she is in, shesurely writes the names wrongly; this even became a signature of her. Her university diploma is not from the areas she has been working in. In this condition (!) she thinks she’s so promising in this service sector. While marketing some things - this new company is said to be selling B2B service packages - it looks blurry that they might really be selling. Oh, if they put a profit chart starting from the foundation day of the company, of course they are having 500 % profit; little activities can give big profits when you start from zero..This fake blonde has been sharing her worse than worse ‘selfies’. The breaking point of this whole text is, that natural blonde just wrote a great compliment under one those pictures. I thought, thought.. Coudn’t go out of this problem. I’m talking to her now, you solve it: “My naturally blonde friend, you - with your native English from United States and journalism diploma - are made to sit at home. No one asks ‘Come, let’s work together, you can do great job’ to you; forget asking, doesn’t even say. Fake blonde shakes her back to you sitting at home; having your hair done at hairdresser to sit at home as housewife. So why do you type a compliment under her picture?? If you think she will feel sympathy for you and employ you, my opinion is, she will be afraid of you passing her in success, this will never happen.”
And third blonde is from United States and half naturally blonde - hair is natural but eyebrows are dyed in platin-. Her choice. This freelancer has an income in between those two blonde women. If she wanted, she would be more successful but has been living a routine-based and soulless life; I guess she will die like this.. In her province, she has recognized amount of graphics design clients but somehow she doesn’t employ anyone to work together; living a life of misery by working too much. Does she have time for herself? It’s hard to count as hobby; takes photographs of her environment hundreds of times. She always gets shocked in the same way when she sees interesting things and rains the pictures to social media. This must be ‘the madness of designer’. I guess her each day is like this: Work project, sleeplessness, a little worse nutrition habit, taking photographs of the paint-worn out walls, funny food packages and shop signs in the region, sleeping.. She can see as many patterns and colours as she wants.. Her inside is colourless and soulless.. I don’t think being creative is observing the ones existing, I say “Creativity is creating from zero”..
Here is my seventh column at
// 'daki yedinci köşe yazım
I had to write. I wanted to write this for a long time but couldn’t have the chance. None of the three women are my relatives. We know each other from work life and media. In between, only the Turk naturally blonde one is someone I can call ‘friend’ but I don’t think she evaluates me like this; not so important; important thing is me seeing her valuable. For me, all three are ‘hopeless cases’. The first one as natural blonde is given a barrier to appear as successful; second one as fake blonde is totally a degeneration of profession, wronging of employment and suicide of the company that employed her; finally third one as half natural blonde does the suicide to herself with her own work..
Yes. First one is Turk and naturally blonde. From outside, she looks crazy but inside, she is calm, tender and I guess she knows value of human. She was in United States for long years; had education there. She might have been born there too. She has her English language level as a native speaker. She comes from journalism. Her education is also on journalism so I can really call her colleague. She newly got married. Her last job was at a TV channel, an economics TV and she worked at foreign news department. She got tired so much; complaining about not having free time for her family; quitted the job. How could she have time for her family? A ‘power’ wanted her to start work at 06.00 a.m. every day to prepare the morning news. She was then back home before late afternoon but how could someone take this? Think, at what time she had to wake up to be at work at 06.00 in the morning and for this, what time she had to go to bed? In the evening hours, that all normal people could socialize, rest, read a book, have time for hobbies, she could hardly start to sleep. I know, you’ll say “Life can make you work in worse conditions” but they evaluated this educated, native speaker, intellectual person in a condition to make her intellectual side grated. As I told before, she later quitted.. This qualified woman is now a housewife! At least she has time for her family and she is happy with this.. I don’t have anything to say for those absent minded people seeing her suitable to be a housewife!
Second one is a fake blonde, not even blonde - a kind of so ugly light brown turning into platin. Since the first time we met, I’ve thought, her nose didn’t become more beautiful and looked like the famous caricature character ’Deli Ziya’ despite having plastic surgery. I don’t like criticizing beauty but I am against ‘pushed’ beauties with plastic surgery - deeply against those who try to pass naturally beautiful people with that ‘pushed’ plastic surgery! This fake blonde has been swimming in money with her high level job. She also often travels abroad. Is she successful? Not. She can’t even be the nail of the natural blonde.. Her English is fair. She went to a language course by our criticizations and made her language better; as you can guess, only shown beter on certificate. Don’t be tricked by seeing her sentences in English in social media, she copies and pastes them. From the name of the famous key speaker of a conference, to the city she is in, shesurely writes the names wrongly; this even became a signature of her. Her university diploma is not from the areas she has been working in. In this condition (!) she thinks she’s so promising in this service sector. While marketing some things - this new company is said to be selling B2B service packages - it looks blurry that they might really be selling. Oh, if they put a profit chart starting from the foundation day of the company, of course they are having 500 % profit; little activities can give big profits when you start from zero..This fake blonde has been sharing her worse than worse ‘selfies’. The breaking point of this whole text is, that natural blonde just wrote a great compliment under one those pictures. I thought, thought.. Coudn’t go out of this problem. I’m talking to her now, you solve it: “My naturally blonde friend, you - with your native English from United States and journalism diploma - are made to sit at home. No one asks ‘Come, let’s work together, you can do great job’ to you; forget asking, doesn’t even say. Fake blonde shakes her back to you sitting at home; having your hair done at hairdresser to sit at home as housewife. So why do you type a compliment under her picture?? If you think she will feel sympathy for you and employ you, my opinion is, she will be afraid of you passing her in success, this will never happen.”
And third blonde is from United States and half naturally blonde - hair is natural but eyebrows are dyed in platin-. Her choice. This freelancer has an income in between those two blonde women. If she wanted, she would be more successful but has been living a routine-based and soulless life; I guess she will die like this.. In her province, she has recognized amount of graphics design clients but somehow she doesn’t employ anyone to work together; living a life of misery by working too much. Does she have time for herself? It’s hard to count as hobby; takes photographs of her environment hundreds of times. She always gets shocked in the same way when she sees interesting things and rains the pictures to social media. This must be ‘the madness of designer’. I guess her each day is like this: Work project, sleeplessness, a little worse nutrition habit, taking photographs of the paint-worn out walls, funny food packages and shop signs in the region, sleeping.. She can see as many patterns and colours as she wants.. Her inside is colourless and soulless.. I don’t think being creative is observing the ones existing, I say “Creativity is creating from zero”..
My fifteenth column at " INSINCERE NEW YEAR WISHES" (English translation below)
//'daki onbeşinci köşe yazım "İÇTEN OLMAYAN YENİ YIL DİLEKLERİ"
We’ve entered the new year. While spreading insincere new year wishes, we’ve in fact wished for ourselves most. How selfish we are, aren’t we? All of us have expectancies from new year but first of all we don’t see new year has expectancies from us..
We wish happiness for ourselves. What kind of happiness is this? Only making (me) us happy one? What if that one while making (me) us happy, will crash others’ rights, then should we still be happy? And is happiness ”I’ll be happy when I have so much money”? - Why not others can have properties too? Or is fame happiness? If you are going to be unsuccessful, weak fame, why should you be famous? Also you will be unhappy like this too. People wishing marriage, relationship not to be alone and expecting happiness, be sure, if the person you meet is not soulmate/same vision person; neither marriage, nor relationship will bring happiness.. I haven’t forgotton unbelievable ’third person’ people, who are keen on making partners of couples cheat on each other, tricky, wishing to be happy getting drowned by gifts bought by taken partner/lover of someone else: Maybe they will have an illusional happiness inside after destroying the couple’s happiness, but, they will never ever make that destroyed partner happy; that partner coming from destroyed marriage won’t be made happy won’t stay with them forever - don’t they know this?
We wish peace for world, right? So, are we trying to stop terror? Oh, terror side wishes to be happy too, what will happen now? Staring at other people’s country, trying to take a part of that country by terror and violence, that happiness is a short time one too. ”Why?” you ask. In the saying ’taken’ country, won’t be looked after in the same value it had; that country won’t be as beautiful as it was; will be ugly just like them - don’t they know this?
We wish health. Are we taking good care of ourselves first? Are we eating little and soberly? Consuming enough water? How is our vitamin D level? Or blood sugar? Or exercise, walks? Let’s say we are healthy and we wish for it to go on, while lively lively wishing for health, for a very close one, maybe for our ill relative, are we praying, wishing health? Are we able to say ”She/He needs this wish more”? How about doing something to be her/his health, medicine? Maybe the wish of her/him will come true by our solutions, then why don’t we solve things? If we did, her/his wish would come true already: You could bring both health and happiness for someone! And you became happy when she/he became happy. So your wish for happiness came true already too, right?
And we wish success first for ourselves again.. For instance a rise at workplace.. Let’s look at the mirror truely. Are we the people who have to rise, the ’true deservers’, or others deserve rises and we wish it for ourselves only to get happy? We also expect a car from the workplace.. Also a bonus salary.. Let’s say they gave them: Did we earn it by working or it was the success of the team? Are we going to share the bonus salary with the team? At least, are we going to buy a dinner for the team? Nooo in our plans, there are a secondary or third television and a set of furnitures, what is a team dinner (!)
//'daki onbeşinci köşe yazım "İÇTEN OLMAYAN YENİ YIL DİLEKLERİ"
We’ve entered the new year. While spreading insincere new year wishes, we’ve in fact wished for ourselves most. How selfish we are, aren’t we? All of us have expectancies from new year but first of all we don’t see new year has expectancies from us..
We wish happiness for ourselves. What kind of happiness is this? Only making (me) us happy one? What if that one while making (me) us happy, will crash others’ rights, then should we still be happy? And is happiness ”I’ll be happy when I have so much money”? - Why not others can have properties too? Or is fame happiness? If you are going to be unsuccessful, weak fame, why should you be famous? Also you will be unhappy like this too. People wishing marriage, relationship not to be alone and expecting happiness, be sure, if the person you meet is not soulmate/same vision person; neither marriage, nor relationship will bring happiness.. I haven’t forgotton unbelievable ’third person’ people, who are keen on making partners of couples cheat on each other, tricky, wishing to be happy getting drowned by gifts bought by taken partner/lover of someone else: Maybe they will have an illusional happiness inside after destroying the couple’s happiness, but, they will never ever make that destroyed partner happy; that partner coming from destroyed marriage won’t be made happy won’t stay with them forever - don’t they know this?
We wish peace for world, right? So, are we trying to stop terror? Oh, terror side wishes to be happy too, what will happen now? Staring at other people’s country, trying to take a part of that country by terror and violence, that happiness is a short time one too. ”Why?” you ask. In the saying ’taken’ country, won’t be looked after in the same value it had; that country won’t be as beautiful as it was; will be ugly just like them - don’t they know this?
We wish health. Are we taking good care of ourselves first? Are we eating little and soberly? Consuming enough water? How is our vitamin D level? Or blood sugar? Or exercise, walks? Let’s say we are healthy and we wish for it to go on, while lively lively wishing for health, for a very close one, maybe for our ill relative, are we praying, wishing health? Are we able to say ”She/He needs this wish more”? How about doing something to be her/his health, medicine? Maybe the wish of her/him will come true by our solutions, then why don’t we solve things? If we did, her/his wish would come true already: You could bring both health and happiness for someone! And you became happy when she/he became happy. So your wish for happiness came true already too, right?
And we wish success first for ourselves again.. For instance a rise at workplace.. Let’s look at the mirror truely. Are we the people who have to rise, the ’true deservers’, or others deserve rises and we wish it for ourselves only to get happy? We also expect a car from the workplace.. Also a bonus salary.. Let’s say they gave them: Did we earn it by working or it was the success of the team? Are we going to share the bonus salary with the team? At least, are we going to buy a dinner for the team? Nooo in our plans, there are a secondary or third television and a set of furnitures, what is a team dinner (!)
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN IN 2016 (English translation below)
Here is my sixth column at // 'daki altıncı köşe yazım:
First of all you should read comparatively. Reading one sided texts makes you a fool bounded to that blindly. Internet is full of information and there are so many ‘scams’ (lies) in between, makes you wonder how they can make up this much. So are the books, previous generation habit..
They can change the history, past, names, heroes even the meal recipes. Why do you think they do it? To convince you to be on their side. To make you say “Aaaa if true, I love this so much” and get attached to them. I have seen so many people turning into fanatics not turning back to same subject again, just effected by one website or a book without questioning and researching,
It doesn’t matter in which country you are living in, eat clean. You haven’t heard wrong, ‘clean’! In which food what additives there are, what is cancerogen or not in packed food, drinks are great but how much sugar it has; consuming sugar drops your immunity immediately; know it. I’m not one of these saying “World is so crowded, population must be lessened, nothing will be enough for anyone in the future”. If the world is 6 billions of people now, I say it can handle 12 billions too. Only production is absent. If you empty the agricultural areas and rise the price of little amount of food , human will eat each other from starvation and poverty. But, if you create an ‘order’; employ everyone and maket hem produce, work with earth, you can even create excessive food for 12 billions.
Don’t be slave of your fears and worries. These two dirtbags, prevent you being happy ‘now’. They blur your mind and become sticks to turn you into puppet of others. Fear of losing job, fear of losing lover/darling/wife/husband, fear of losing money, fear of failing in investments, fear of unability to be someone that you are not, fear of dying, fear of war, fear of disease.. Each fear you make big in front of eyes first supports your enemies then it becoming true. Where is your brave chest, I want to see.. Huh, also, if you change your energy for fear into motivation energy, in fact, it will be so nice, then you will run towards your fear..
Personally, I hate ambition of luxury in anyone. Don’t be someone like this, it looks so ugly. If married mistress is luxury, telling/existing herself/himself with society or properties is luxury, going on vacation even though there is work/investments/workers is luxury, just because it will look poshy - bringing foreign scientists/photomodels/directors instead of your own country’s brilliant people to evaluate is luxury. Also, spending your time for absurd/ridiculous things instead of being with your child and supporting her/his development is luxury. It looks ugly and also you are evaluated as greedy and random; know it. Open your eyes in 2016
Here is my sixth column at // 'daki altıncı köşe yazım:
First of all you should read comparatively. Reading one sided texts makes you a fool bounded to that blindly. Internet is full of information and there are so many ‘scams’ (lies) in between, makes you wonder how they can make up this much. So are the books, previous generation habit..
They can change the history, past, names, heroes even the meal recipes. Why do you think they do it? To convince you to be on their side. To make you say “Aaaa if true, I love this so much” and get attached to them. I have seen so many people turning into fanatics not turning back to same subject again, just effected by one website or a book without questioning and researching,
It doesn’t matter in which country you are living in, eat clean. You haven’t heard wrong, ‘clean’! In which food what additives there are, what is cancerogen or not in packed food, drinks are great but how much sugar it has; consuming sugar drops your immunity immediately; know it. I’m not one of these saying “World is so crowded, population must be lessened, nothing will be enough for anyone in the future”. If the world is 6 billions of people now, I say it can handle 12 billions too. Only production is absent. If you empty the agricultural areas and rise the price of little amount of food , human will eat each other from starvation and poverty. But, if you create an ‘order’; employ everyone and maket hem produce, work with earth, you can even create excessive food for 12 billions.
Don’t be slave of your fears and worries. These two dirtbags, prevent you being happy ‘now’. They blur your mind and become sticks to turn you into puppet of others. Fear of losing job, fear of losing lover/darling/wife/husband, fear of losing money, fear of failing in investments, fear of unability to be someone that you are not, fear of dying, fear of war, fear of disease.. Each fear you make big in front of eyes first supports your enemies then it becoming true. Where is your brave chest, I want to see.. Huh, also, if you change your energy for fear into motivation energy, in fact, it will be so nice, then you will run towards your fear..
Personally, I hate ambition of luxury in anyone. Don’t be someone like this, it looks so ugly. If married mistress is luxury, telling/existing herself/himself with society or properties is luxury, going on vacation even though there is work/investments/workers is luxury, just because it will look poshy - bringing foreign scientists/photomodels/directors instead of your own country’s brilliant people to evaluate is luxury. Also, spending your time for absurd/ridiculous things instead of being with your child and supporting her/his development is luxury. It looks ugly and also you are evaluated as greedy and random; know it. Open your eyes in 2016
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