Monday, January 4, 2016

My fourteenth column at "WEAR HAT " (English translation below)
//'daki ondördüncü köşe yazım "ŞAPKA GİYİN"
Personally, I can say I’m crazy for it; maybe it is rude to say but I have a great amount of hats. I would like to remind people who perceive accessories contain only jewelry and belts. Hats are accessories too. Wear hat. While fashion is giving chance for that these days, have that opportunity. Don’t wear woolen hat in cold weather, also try winter cloth hats. 20s, 70s and 90s were the times hats were so often used in fashion and they are all back again.
When Ataturk did Hat Revolution, first one of his targets was spreading the foundation news of modern Republic of Turkiye symbolically and leaving all types of radical vision accessories behind. His second target was I suppose making everyone able to understand who is who with their duties. If you only think army and police forces have duty related hats, you are wrong. In 1920s, fedora hat (Humphrey Bogart hat) we all know, was known as journalist hat. Printing and type setting people, nurses, farmers, land owners had specific hats and after work, in daily life they didn’t hesitate to live their lives without taking them off. I think only politicians got known without using hats but it’s because they were indoors, in parliament and taken pictures in these places.
I don’t think it is shyness recently; I suppose due to negligence hat hasn’t been worn for a long time. It’s cold but no one wears anything on their heads. Are you one of those having worries of hair dresser hair will get destroyed, wig will fall off?
There are hats not worn even they have to be. Whenever I’m in Istanbul which has turned into a huge construction yard because of new buildings and I walk along streets, I see no one with a construction helmet. Can a construction helmet be expensive? Engineer, worker, visitor.. Everyone in construction yard has to wear a construction helmet. Even people passing from the front of that constructed building, through along that street which was thought the safety measurement was done by surrounding the area with four 3-meter wooden boards!
As we mention safety, for example why don’t motorcyclers wear helmet? Are they doing “Look I’m not dying like thiiiiiiiiiiiiis” to us? And do we say “Ah how coooool”? In fact, helmet makes the motorcycler cool. In between them, there are customized products. They are design products. They don’t wear them. I also saw many having a second passenger at behind and wearing helmets only themselves. Weird isn’t it? What if they face a truck as soon as they turn right from the next corner; pull down the motorcycle not to hit the truck and jump away; don’t they know their skull will be broken into pieces and they will die immediately there?
TURK KURD PKK ISIS (English translation below) // TÜRK KÜRT PKK IŞİD
Here is my fifth column at "TURK KURD PKK ISIS"
// 'daki beşinci köşe yazım "TÜRK KÜRT PKK IŞİD"
People who say ”Hurry help us”, ”Start a war, rescue us from Turkiye” are openly identified as PKK terror organization; but if you ask, they are on side of Kobane’ calling theirselves freedom fighters or ‘let’s walk hand in hand for peace’ type of people.. What Kobane (!) couldn’t have been rescued from ISIS of only a village of people. While ISIS is going on their actions, PKK terror organization crying out for help, trying to put up a war and pull Turkiye into it, has created a new fight trend digging tunnel under village houses and making innocent people as human shields. While Turk soldier is cleaning PKK terror organization out of this like stones out of rice; fake pictures are flying on internet, so do the fake help cryers for Europe. They never skip their ‘victim’ paragraphs, flying high saying Turkiye is killing their Kurd citizens, doing genocide, it could be Armenian genocide and now for Kurds(!). Turkiye doesn’t kill their Kurd citizens; cleans PKK terror organization who is not wanted, hated and had enough of also by Kurds.
Turkiye Turks who came from Middle Asia, Turks still living there as Turk blooded countries’ Turks have always been on the side of peace. Otherwise, how could all different countries keep their ethnicities in Ottoman Empire? Sultans’ will to enlarge the empire is not so much related with the Turk rooted public.. Turks don’t attack until they get attacked and if they have to attack, they fight so well. Recently, there is the reality Armenia who has been teasing one of the Turk countries, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is not going to put up a war, don’t wait for it Armenia! In history, only China even after teasing and building Great Wall for escaping from the response, still shows respect to Turks and their warriors and doesn’t forget to glorify Turks. Open and read history. It’s not hard.
Let’s turn back to PKK terror organization being able to create lies in five different languages in social media. I don’t know what Turkiye will do next to clean these from internet. Starting with Europe, from Bangladesh to Japan, there are foreigners sharing fake, copy paste pictures but somehow not aware of who PKK is. Why? There is a lie of freedom fighter image seen everywhere and any conscientious left wing foreigner gets melted likely just seen a kitten and multiplies the lie information by sharing. I wonder, when you ask, can they find the places in the map where PKK terror organization has been shooting Turk public in their sleep for 40 years with their machine guns? What kind of jealousy is that on Turkiye?? If a country wanted to kill different ethnicity citizens, would they do it by three or five?? What Nazi Germany had done is for years, gathering and killing millions of innocent Jews - but you now drive your Volkswagen cars?? Anything happened to Germany’s image?? Then why are you crawling to pull Turkiye’s image down?? What jealousy is this? Oh, by the way, you know PKK militants don’t want to speak Turkce in Turkiye but when they immigrate to Europe they speak the language of the country they immigrated to fluently and don’t rebel yet (!) while having countries’ social benefits.
I got asked for this by many many people. I wrote this text for people asking from me this week. Telling about ISIS is a riddle; so is identifying them. Why do they trade women besides petrol? Why are their beards this black? If they are not there for religion then what are they there for? Their number is not seen so many, how could they achieve to spread 6 millions of Syrians to the world? Ask as many times as you want..
My thirteenth column at "NOT ‘TURKEY’; TURKIYE’S TRUE IMAGE " (English translation below)
// 'daki onüçüncü köşe yazım "TURKEY” DEĞİL; TÜRKİYE’NİN DOĞRU İMAJI"
Turkiye’s promotion is not well done and not well fought against ones damaging the image. The first question in my brain is; “When will our beautiful country be called ‘Turkiye’ in English instead of ‘Turkey’ “? And I always ask; “Why fashion photographers, Hollywood and tourists bring to their countries a picturized 17-millions-metropol Istanbul of only gypsy provinces and Arab tourists as Turks, leaving its skyscrapers behind? And why tourism companies only show Blue Mosque in their posters but skip Bosphorus with pleasure? Is Blue Mosque really the symbol of Istanbul? Why then it is Eiffel Tower for Paris and Big Ben for London but not a church? Whilst these mistakes give wrong image to Turkiye, what is the reason to be sentenced to tell truth to foreigners? Saying ”Turkiye Turks came from Middle Asia”; “Huns invading Europe (Hungary) and Etruscans in Italy are Turks”, ”There are still many Turk countries in Middle Asia”, ”We are not an Arab country” over and over and getting tired.. Oh also starting with Germany and France, so many western countries have millions of Arab rooted immigrant citizens but why Turkiye is to be mentioned as Arab country??
George Clooney and wife Amal Alamuddin were chosen as spokesperson to prove it happened you know; we also tried to tell there was no Armenian genocide. The truth is, while fighting on west in I. World War, Ottoman Empire was kept busy on east with Armenian attacks, so Armenians in Istanbul were made to immigrate to east. However a Hollywood star was more on news.. And this year, terror organizations are on a try of harassing Turk soldiers fighting against them by delivering fake information on internet and showing innocent public as victims. Terror organizations are calling foreign countries to help them in five languages through social media and tying to harden the fight against terror, put up a war, damage the image of Turkiye.
Right before the subject goes heavier, let’s make a long list of daily life details.. Again, tourists pose with fez as soon as they arrive in Istanbul. Surprisingly no one says “If you want to wear a Turk hat, pose with a calpac”. Why don’t same tourists know the one they look for as ”kebab” passed from Afghans; ”shisha, hookah” from Persians;”hammam” from Romans to Ottoman Empire lands? Not seeing Turkiye, they come without reading about the country they are going to visit. Or who doesn’t tell to them? Why do they say ”whirling dervishes” to semazens? Whirling people are not called dervishes. When will we tell cheese, yoghurt got spread to Anatolia, Europe and finally whole world with the migrations of Turks from Middle Asia? When? In Europe everyone calls white cheese as ”Greek feta cheese”! Although Turkiye is on the same parallel with Spain, Italy and Greece and also neighbor country of Greece, why do they get shocked hearing it has always snowed in Turkey? Talking about image and look, one more example, those telling Turks have thick moustaches, never mention that Middle Asian Turks and migrating Turks as Selchuks from Middle Asia had rare moustache and beard but long hair; the real ones having thick moustaches are Albanians and Persians. Also why Turkiye has especially palm trees in all squares of big cities? Palms are Turk trees or citizens are living in Sahara desert?
Here is my fourth column at // 'daki üçüncü köşe yazım
There are so many problems and even disgusting things in the life. The most evil to do is destroying peace and also watching someone suffering from lack of peace is a sickness.. Person destroying peace can only see herself/himself better or higher by this way. A kind of daily life terrorism.. I will go in details..

Real terrorism is everywhere. Terrorists go on their actions with guns although they have said what they have said. Sometimes with a suicide bomber, sometimes using innocent public as human shields they lengthen the action longer and longer. Public watching all as a third eye and rising stress level, don’t know what to do and talk bad to each other and start to get ‘divided’. That’s why terrorists are called dividers. Reality and where the subject started are forgotten and all public get divided to sides. In fact the first target is making people lose their belief for the state. As a conclusion, terrorists get more than they do with physical action by making public sides as enemies. Meaning they get what they want by causing an echo and dividing.

Let’s turn back to daily life terror. The person, who gets annoyed of someone and wants to remove that person off, starts to harm little by little through a third person instead of arguing directly or saying “Go away, I can’t stand you”. Because using a weak chain third person is much easier, more torturing and more satisfying. The weak chain person is not a weak person but a silent and patient one standing the evilness. A ‘human’ with humanly responses, tolerating, getting sad, crying and not fake.. Heartless, cold blooded, thinking she/he is better or higher and clever but not in reality, can’t say unsaid things stuck in throat like “I can’t feel better or higher/my control on human person gets destroyed because of you”. And starts to poke bad sentences to the human person. This third person begins to get sad. Gets sad; can’t understand why; gets sad; asks himself/herself “why does she/he make me sad?”. And because he/she is a human, he/she can’t ask “why do you do this?” to the heartless person either. Gets sad, gets sad and gets burst to the one whom that heartless person doesn’t like. Mission gets accomplished. Sick person thinks all is done without using her/his own hands.

These kind of daily life terrorists can be read so quickly. You can understand from their stiffness. They are enormously joyful and fake. They don’t count other people’s opinions. Also you are probably not their only victims. I suggest communications in between all victims because you are the ones who can understand each other so well.
When it comes to real terrorists, let soldiers and police do their jobs. You keep your peace and show you have peace to the terrorist because soldiers and police are for your peace and they work for it and are ready to sacrifice their own lives.
Here is my twelfth column at "What Does Design Mean??!" (English translation below)
// 'daki onikinci köşe yazım bu linkte "Dizayn Ne Demek??!"
I’ve never thought I would tell about design like a lesson. Some people really force me to! Design is “originality”, if a company/fashion designer/brand sells something for 50 years with same look or little changes every year, this is not design, this is stereotyped style. Label doesn’t make the products design either; you should look whether the products are original or not.
I’m not going to give any name from here; I don’t want to be involved to a court either -they can be guilty and strong- a ceramic company pushes the same cups, bowls and for long long years people buy them too expensively under the sake of design. I wonder, as a corporate company not firing any worker, how did the unblushing sales representatives get old and give their last breaths telling products are ‘design’? Are they paying the copyright fee to the grand grandchildren of the man who created the design in the very first year?
A clothing company, two more uprisings. Friends, how can you tell 60’s balloon skirt or fedora hat (Humphrey Bogart hat) as “our new design/creation in our ‘this year’ collection”? The creative team, arts director in the advertising company, are you sleeping or you prefer to spread wrong expressions just because your client should feel glad and pay for the work? I don’t want to hypothese that you don’t know; simplest way, hire a consultant. If you know, don’t be silent. Suggest them as “sir, these are not new creations, revitalizations”, so what? Maybe you will have addition for enlightenment of their boss.
For bigger pieces of products, home goods, otomobile, yatch, camping equipments, many unscratchable/unburnable miracles are designed too. There are some people thinking ‘heavy’ design work starting with deciding what tree’s wood wanted for your dining room, how many legs it should have, how many kilos it can handle to carry, availability for indoor/outdoor usage and that long time single friends are called industrial products engineers. They design but bear with more than creating.
Also there are confusing expressions. Our glamour girl (!) is a pattern designer but she writes her profession headline as ‘designer’. Your profession is valuable too our glamour girl (!), you give life to dresses, sheets, swimming suits; if you can’t create interesting patterns none of them will be sold out. This, that can’t attend to pattern contests, only you can. Know and stand straight. Don’t call yourself designer again, OK?
Hmm not to leave out, I should mention own style of a designer. Friends, create a style for yourself, please. All of you are hipsters, all of you are mermaids! Why fashion environment is like Smurfs, copies of each other? Fed up seeing males with squared shirts folded up to elbows, females wearing needle heeled booties. Friends, have consultancy, it’s not bad to take advises from a ‘knowledgeable person’..
Here is my third column at "What You Shouldn’t Do To Your Children-2"
// 'daki üçüncü köşe yazım "Çocuklarınıza Ne Yapmamalısınız-2"
After last week’s column, I got two e-mails and lots of messages. One of the e-mails was from a responsible mother and a law person, the other was from a teacher.. I decided to continue the subject one more time. While asking “How did this society turn into this?” in fact “What kind of mother/father did this child have?” should be asked. The traumas the child has had effects the future behavior. As a communications expert, I wish to list mistakes that I’ve observed. For further counseling, I can address you pedagogues, psychologists and psychiatrists. Maybe the best pedagogue I’ve ever known is my husband Morten
What You Shouldn’t Do To Your Children-2:
21. While you are making your children have baths, even though they are babies, never be naked. Don’t have baths together. While you are having bath/shower, don’t leave your door open.
22. Don’t make your children get married in so early ages. Even though they become teenagers so early, showing traditions as excuses, especially to remove a consuming person from the table, don’t make them get married. Cut down what you’re eating. Or go and work in an extra job.
23. Don’t compare your children with other people’s children and especially their own brothers/sisters. This won’t show the way to success, only will make them hate their own existences.
24. Don’t use your children for your crimes/sins. Don’t monitor an excuse of “I did it for you”.
25. Don’t be physically harsh on them; don’t do physical or emotional violence on them
26. Don’t make fun of their physical appearances.
27. Don’t call them with bad nicknames.
28. Don’t change their rooms as how you like them to look. Would you be happy if they changed your rooms?
29. Even at very little ages, teach them how to use phone and make them have first aid lessons. One day they can save their own lives or yours.
30. They shouldn’t live in a dreamy/blurry life; teach them awareness. So that, they can learn their home addresses and later more complicated things by observations while growing up.
31. Teach them whatever they can with their own hands. Like simple meal recipes, sewing, hammering nails, fishing. Maybe you may die the next day but you will be leaving something supporting their lives.
32. Take their opinions and also pay attention to them. Add them to family plans. They are the members of the family..
33. At least once a week do an activity of whole core family. Not a few of you, all core family.
34. Don’t interfere with their wearing too much. Let them have their own styles. Even though looks weird.
35. If they are at the school education period, don’t do their homework until they really are in emergency.
36. We talked about punishment last week; don’t reward them either. The most beautiful thing to make them happy is their mother’s/father’s interest and it can’t be measured materialistically.
37. Don’t be fake. Even in very early ages, children sense fakeness.
38. Influence them for reading and researching.
39. Influence them for love of nature, animals and clean environment.
40. Influence them to love arts.
Here is my eleventh column at "Modeling Agencies Afraid of Fame’s Shadow" (English translation below)
// 'daki onbirinci köşe yazım bu linkte "Şöhretin Gölgesinden Korkan Mankenlik Ajansları"
I have been full with this subject for a long time. In fact since my own high school years. At high school some of my friends and my relatives were saying I looked like Cindy Crawford. I was proud she was a beautiful woman. But with a classical philosophy I was asking ”Why her and not a Turk model?” Crawford created her own chance really, applied to Elite Model Look Agency; got in. And it is talked Zeki Triko gave her first big project. Even Zeki Baseskioglu opened a contest thinking there could be a Turk Cindy Crawford and I couldn’t attend. I was only at last year of high school..
Cindy Crawford introduced us L’Oreal’s Elseve shampoos. In time, her agency made her almost a brand. Whatever she touched, happened well… No one said ”She came from modeling, she can’t be anything” for what she did; couldn’t say. Her agency was always supporting. We have a Turk Cindy Crawford now; Tulin Sahin and I like her so much; we worked together in two different workplaces. She was born in Denmark, a good person and she has tried to develop herself. Even not having an agency support.
If you believe photographer stories taking pictures in free time and discovering a model, you are wrong. Since 80s, agencies from countries abroad have ‘agents’. If needed, they walk streets by streets and take pictures. They look for unique, different faces. And hundred percent without plastic surgery. The faults from natural beauty are accepted and liked. In result, someone drowning himself/herself to plastic surgery can leave you in the middle of the road by not being confident and gives suspicion about mental health. Catwalk requires more stronger base than needed. Especially night life, bad habits finish the model with weaknesses. Both personality and appearance..
Let’s have a look at modeling agencies in Turkiye. So few of them create a ‘branded’ model; being afraid of his/her fame. Return the projects; being afraid of his/her fame. Gives less percentage of the income to the model saying shouldn’t be spoiled; being afraid of his/her fame. Why people, who can’t digest these, found modeling agencies? Why they follow business connections with dear, sweetie languages? Why former models with knowledge and experience don’t want to found modeling agencies? For instance, I’ve learnt that Ilgi Govsa began to do brand consultancy. Communications experts hear it.. I don’t want to pass without appreciating names coming from modeling (in picture); Demet Akalin, Selma Ergec, Serenay Sarikaya, Kivanc Tatlitug, Cagatay Ulusoy, Burak Ozcivit.. These names got successful without any support of a modeling agency. But I wish, all models could be supported by their agencies.
Here is my second column at " What You Shouldn’t Do To Your Children "
// 'daki ikinci köşe yazım " Çocuklarınıza Ne Yapmamalısınız "
Little or grown up, your child will always stay as your child. As a communications expert, I wish to list mistakes that I’ve observed. For further counseling, I can address you pedagogues, psychologists and psychiatrists. Maybe the best pedagogue I’ve ever known is my husband Morten
What You Shouldn’t Do To Your Children:
1. Don’t kiss your children on the lips. Making their resistance higher against bacteria is a created story. Go and kiss your spouse/husband/wife a lot. Your children are not your lovers.
2. Don’t tell your problems with your spouse/husband/wife to your children. In fact don’t tell anyone. If you are a no matter what telling person, go and tell to someone at your age.
And NEVER EVER replace your children with spouse/husband/wife. Do your activities with people at your age.
3. Listen to your children. Let them talk only. Give your time to them and sit without any furniture in between you, listen to them with your heart.
4. Caress your children’s heads, hug them and hold their hands. Hold their hands like a mother/father, not like a spouse/husband/wife and hold them.
5. Don’t touch their bodies even for jokes. Maybe until 10 of age you can slap their popos. I’m repeating until 10 of age.
6. Don’t abuse them to work with an “Earn your pocket money” lie. If you want more money, go and work in an extra job.
7. Don’t be an “I created you” person. If you are supporting in materialistic way, do it on time, support without making beg and keep silent. You can’t make your child respect you or be thankful making him/her run after you many times.
8. Give nice food to your children. Make them beautiful in ornamental way. I don’t say expensive. Ornamental. Their lunchboxes are more important..
9. Don’t make your children cry. World is enoughly bad.
10. Don’t make fun of your children. AGAIN NEVER EVER. A good mother/father loves the children more than her/his existence, doesn’t look for an opportunity to make fun of them.
11. Never insult your children. Even whilst an argument. Little ones take the power to live from you don’t you see it?
12. Don’t punish them. The ugliest punishments are leaving them in the street, darkness or hungry.
13. Do it when you promise. Promise is a given word to be done.
14. Don’t do caprice to your child. If you want to be spoiled’ your spouse/husband/wife is one phone call distant.
15. Don’t stipulate conditions. Talk openly. He/She will understand you.
16. Don’t threaten. Don’t scare them. I’m repeating again little ones take the power to live from you don’t you see it?
17. The thing you appreciate should be talent, not money. Encourage them for talents.
18. Encourage them to choose the profession they would like to have. Even there are two more people at home having the same profession. I know a family of four and they are all doctors..
19. Don’t let your daughters have make up until age of 16. Talk about sex education openly and tell that being pregnant at so young ages is not so good.
20. Don’t share your children’s half naked or in sleeping clothes pictures on social media websites. If you are a no matter what sharing person, be careful about your privacy settings and share with only your closest friends. You can’t know who is a pedophile.
Two column writing at two valuable websites - 2/2 // İki ayrı değerli websitesinde iki köşe yazarlığı - 2/2
Here is my first column at "Because of Many Acts of Kindness"
*** 'daki ilk köşe yazım bu linkte "İncelikler Yüzünden"
Two column writing at two valuable websites - 1/2 // İki ayrı değerli websitesinde iki köşe yazarlığı - 1/2
Here is my tenth column at "Golden Age of Accessories"
*** 'daki onuncu köşe yazım bu linkte "Takının Altın Çağı"
Here is my ninth column at "Evil Is Winning Because Of You" "Neverminding. Neglectfulness. Bad habits. Abandoning most valuables in life to be famous or rich. Stealing, cheating. Cruelty. Violence. Knowingly sacrificing. Watching deaths, even getting used to. Not going after right. Turning from truth. Perversity. Being proud of disgusting lives. Copying someone else instead of being you. Selfishness. Being rotten. 'Is Fulya turning to piety?' is the simplest way to see' Being true is not piety.":
// 'daki dokuzuncu köşe yazım bu linkte "Senin Yüzünden Kötülük Kazanıyor"
"GOSSIP only shows doer's or done's quality" Fulya Ozturk Placing
"DEDİKODU sadece yapan ve hakkında yapılanın kalitesini gösterir" Fulya Öztürk Placing
Make up 'makes it' :D // Makyaj 'yapıyor' :D
"The problem of the 'new world human' is CONTENTMENT" Fulya Ozturk Placing
"Yeni dünya insanının problemi HALİNDEN MEMNUN OLMAdır" Fulya Öztürk Placing
Here is my eighth column at "Villagean is Master of Nation" - Think twice criticizing the villagers - :
// 'daki sekizinci köşe yazım bu linkte "Köylü Milletin Efendisidir" - Köylüyü eleştirirken iki kere düşünün - :
Here you can read my seventh column at ("Fashion Of Politics And Charming The Voter") -Including Turkey's repeating election next week- :
Bu linkten 'daki yedinci köşe yazımı okuyabilirsiniz -Türkiye'nin gelecek hafta tekrarlayacak seçimini de kapsıyor- :
Here you can read my sixth column at ("How Many of You Know Fashion Designer Erdem Moralioglu?"):
// Bu linkten 'daki altıncı köşe yazımı okuyabilirsiniz:
Here you can read my fifth column at ("Give Up From Everything But Not From Holiday"):
// Bu linkten 'daki beşinci köşe yazımı okuyabilirsiniz:
Here you can read my fourth column at ("Good or Bad, Your Choices Are You"):…/iyi-veya-kotu-secimlerin-sens…/37/
// Bu linkten 'daki dördüncü köşe yazımı okuyabilirsiniz:…/iyi-veya-kotu-secimlerin-sens…/37/
Here you can read my third column at ("Don't Wear Matching Clothes With Your Children"):
// Bu linkten 'daki üçüncü köşe yazımı okuyabilirsiniz:
LIFE LESSONS-2: "Opposition doesn't always make you right"
// HAYAT DERSLERİ-2: "Farklı fikirde olmak sizi her zaman haklı yapmaz"
LIFE LESSONS-1: Men, look closely around you. You probably have at least one irresistable (!) friend like this: "Being an asshole is all part of my manly essence"
// HAYAT DERSLERİ-1: Erkekler, etrafınıza iyice bakın. Büyük ihtimalle en az bir adet böyle dayanılmaz (!) bir arkadaşa sahipsiniz: "Uyuz biri olmak erkeklik esansımın tümünü oluşturur"
Here you can read my second column at
// Bu linkten 'daki ikinci köşe yazımı okuyabilirsiniz:

I have become corner writer and editor of fashion website My image consultancy and life coaching business is going on too. Here are first corner text and one of my news: // Moda websitesi'un köşe yazarı ve editörü oldum... İmaj danışmanı ve yaşam koçluğu işim de sürüyor. İşte ilk köşe yazım ve haberlerimden biri:
This is my corner // Bu köşe yazım:
This is news. // Bu haber: