My fourteenth column at "WEAR HAT " (English translation below)
//'daki ondördüncü köşe yazım "ŞAPKA GİYİN"
Personally, I can say I’m crazy for it; maybe it is rude to say but I have a great amount of hats. I would like to remind people who perceive accessories contain only jewelry and belts. Hats are accessories too. Wear hat. While fashion is giving chance for that these days, have that opportunity. Don’t wear woolen hat in cold weather, also try winter cloth hats. 20s, 70s and 90s were the times hats were so often used in fashion and they are all back again.
When Ataturk did Hat Revolution, first one of his targets was spreading the foundation news of modern Republic of Turkiye symbolically and leaving all types of radical vision accessories behind. His second target was I suppose making everyone able to understand who is who with their duties. If you only think army and police forces have duty related hats, you are wrong. In 1920s, fedora hat (Humphrey Bogart hat) we all know, was known as journalist hat. Printing and type setting people, nurses, farmers, land owners had specific hats and after work, in daily life they didn’t hesitate to live their lives without taking them off. I think only politicians got known without using hats but it’s because they were indoors, in parliament and taken pictures in these places.
I don’t think it is shyness recently; I suppose due to negligence hat hasn’t been worn for a long time. It’s cold but no one wears anything on their heads. Are you one of those having worries of hair dresser hair will get destroyed, wig will fall off?
There are hats not worn even they have to be. Whenever I’m in Istanbul which has turned into a huge construction yard because of new buildings and I walk along streets, I see no one with a construction helmet. Can a construction helmet be expensive? Engineer, worker, visitor.. Everyone in construction yard has to wear a construction helmet. Even people passing from the front of that constructed building, through along that street which was thought the safety measurement was done by surrounding the area with four 3-meter wooden boards!
As we mention safety, for example why don’t motorcyclers wear helmet? Are they doing “Look I’m not dying like thiiiiiiiiiiiiis” to us? And do we say “Ah how coooool”? In fact, helmet makes the motorcycler cool. In between them, there are customized products. They are design products. They don’t wear them. I also saw many having a second passenger at behind and wearing helmets only themselves. Weird isn’t it? What if they face a truck as soon as they turn right from the next corner; pull down the motorcycle not to hit the truck and jump away; don’t they know their skull will be broken into pieces and they will die immediately there?
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